LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

This basically makes him a Republican now, right? Like confirming judges is the only thing Dems can do with the Senate without the House, so he might as well just switch parties.

Mitch McConnell: We are the party of no!

15 years of obstructionism laterā€¦

Manchin: Listen, if you canā€™t get even one Republican vote, Iā€™m a no.

Sounds like heā€™s a Republican then

Always has been.gif

Doesnā€™t really matter since we are in a presidential election window so any judicial noms should wait to reflect the will of the voters.

Presidential election windows run from 2 years prior to 2 years post election just to be safe (when there is a sitting Democrat president).

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lol at what a chickenshit Cortez Masto is, most of her Republican colleagues in both houses are more connected to people who killed cops on Jan. 6

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Having been informed by this article, I was curious as to how the issue would be covered by the NewsHour tonight. They teased the piece by mentioning the ā€œbipartisanā€ resistance to the nominee and I was ready to commence eye-rolling, but the piece was actually quite reasonable.

It included an interview with a former judge who wrote a letter in support of Mangi.

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Fuck off Cortez Masto. What the fucking fuck. What a piece of shit. I donā€™t support it but I understand why some leftists want to blow it all up in the face of shit like this.

If this is real what the actual fuck. Especially in this current environment of every single unsolicited text/call/email being a straight up criminal scammer

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Establishment Democrats basically are straight up criminal scammers, soā€¦


god democrats are so fucking bad at this, just absolutely awful

Is 1 out of a 50 actually clicking that? This isnā€™t how polls work

Remember when MN did all that great stuff with a one vote majority?

fuck off fetterman this shit getting tired

Who is he with?

Looks like his wife.

What am I missing? Whatā€™s the issue? @pvn?

Fetterman continues to be exactly the same person heā€™s always been, which has started annoying some people who supported him when they thought it was a schtick

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So I was being serious though, I couldnā€™t actually understand the issue, and now just noticed heā€™s wearing a hoodie with a fake bow tie. lol.