Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

This is an opinion, not a fact.

Uh, Israeli military officers are openly admitting they’re planning genocide.


No… it’s not. It’s painfully obvious and you can see it from space. I’ve made it very clear I don’t think the Palestinians are blameless in this process, but let’s not pretend like the settlers aren’t taking over the Palestinian territory one house at a time. This process has accelerated a lot in recent years too.

And as @riverman just posted the Israeli military is opening admitting they’re planning a genocide, and I’m taking their word for it. When you start talking about a full scale siege of gaza and calling the people who live there human animals… yeah that isn’t coded language at all. That’s not a dog whistle. They’re going to go as far with this as they can possibly go.

And no offense man but if you think what I wrote was opinion you don’t know enough about the situation to have an opinion. I wasn’t saying that to be controversial it’s a fact attested to by a great many extremely credible people/institutions as well as the eye test.

There don’t have to be good guys here and there absolutely aren’t. Everyone, absolutely everyone, who has decision making capability in this situation is fucking evil full stop. I wish there was a hell so they could go there after they die.

Terrorism can work, Israelis used it themselves in doing their part to get the British to fuck off from Palestine in the first instance. Worked for the Taliban against the US, etc. But won’t work against Israelis for obvious reasons expanded upon here:

Obvious distinction when it’s a distant colonial power just extracting resources vs a settler movement like US settlers vs American Indians.

The fact you have very strong opinions on numerous subjects doesn’t make them correct. I’ve been watching what’s been going on with Israel since before you were in a gleam in Daddy’s eye. But feel free to disparage others’ viewpoints and opinions here.

I don’t think Bibi had advance warning and then did nothing to prepare just so he could get a pretense to launch an overwhelming and possibly final response (wouldn’t say this is completely impossible, either, though), but this dude clearly won’t let a good crisis go to waste, either.

ETA: and, of course, if it is a huge failure of the Bibi regime and the Israeli intelligence service, then going over the top keeps people focused on the action and delays any fingerpointing and blame games.

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I’m old enough to remember super clearly listening to NPR the night Rabin got killed. More than old enough to not give old people any credit for understanding the world just because they’re old. You think obvious ethnic cleansing is ‘feeling squeezed’. I don’t see why I should take you seriously.

Parts of what I’m writing are very much opinion and very subject to debate and lots of reasonable people might disagree about those things. What the Israeli’s are doing being extremely wrong and easily definable as ethnic cleansing isn’t one of those things. It’s a given, a constant, one of the basic assumptions to even have the conversation.

That you didn’t know that is why you’re on ignore now.

All of those are insurgencies against primarily military targets (because that’s all there is in an occupied land, which Israeli controlled Israel very much isn’t). You hit civilians hard and directly the country usually gets super super angry. See the Palestinians themselves, Israel itself this entire time, Ukraine, The United States after 9/11, Germany during World War 2, The Vietnamese during their entire multidecade struggle to kick the colonizers out, the Korean War, Laos/Cambodia, Afghanistan… fuck everywhere it’s ever been tried man. It doesn’t work.

Insurgencies work so well conventional militaries can’t really deal with it except by annihilating the civilians the insurgents are from. But that’s just militaries being in places they very much aren’t wanted that have access to weapons / are somewhat organized.

Ethnic cleansing is how you fix an insurgency if you want to actually hold the land long term.

I have not been “pro-israel” for many years. I am hardly an Israel sympathizer. However, the facts that are emerging are beyond horrific. If Ukraine had crossed the border into Russia and had done this I’d be saying the same thing about Ukraine:

They massacred whole families, babies, toddlers, house to house, executing them. It is a level of barbarity beyond most things seen in recent times. It is holocaust level monstrosity. There is no way to excuse it away.


Yeah, also this. I may be naive, but I think Bibi might be fucked here. This was such a massive security failure.

I think dwelling on or spending large amounts of time reading or watching reports on atrocities is not good for you. I took a few courses on genocide when I was in school, and it really deeply affected me after a while. If this goes how I think it’s going to go, there will be a genocide in gaza on the scale of something that’s not been seen in a minute, while the world does nothing and supports the IDF.

I am very sorry to anyone who may be affected by this, and I wish no more death. However, acknowledging that there is absolutely nothing I can do about it, and turning it off and not engaging it further via consumption or debate I find is the correct thing to do, although some may argue that makes me a worse person for it, I don’t care. I have seen so many absolutely horrid, self centered, or outrightly idiotic takes on this the last several days from people I know absolutely did not know the difference between the west bank and gaza til a few days ago and probably should stfu. I’ve never blocked so many accounts in a week.

Genocide is really ugly, really fucking ugly, and the nature and visibility of this one means a lot more stuff will get out than typically does in these situations. I’d avoid it, friendly advice, it super duper sucks if you have any shred of compassion in you.



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nah if he does a genocide all will be forgiven

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Be careful, Jman, or else boredtrucker is going to block you also,.

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Yeah, I try to avoid seeing some of the footage that’s coming out of the region.

Yeah I’m with you fully on Hamas. I don’t accept that the people giving the Israelis good reasons to do genocidal things have a right to claim justification for atrocities on behalf of the people suffering in their name.

The current Israeli government and Hamas get absolutely not an iota of anything but pure rage from me. Two sides of the same demonic coin.

Someone in Lebanon is trying to start some shit.



OSINTdefender is a disinfo account I’m pretty sure

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From watching some with Ukraine don’t think it’s any sort of intentional thing just will immediately post whatever seeing in various telegram/etc discussion w/o any sort of verification so it’s just trying to get stuff out there first

ETA- like here he may be walking it back some
