Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran


That seems like a strawman to me. I think it’s based on the idea of violations of international law and disregard for human rights.

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Looks it’s only for part of Gaza

how long before settlers move into the northern half of gaza?

Pleasantly surprising to see a piece like this in the NYT:

Hamas — and no one else — bears the blame for its sadistic violence. But it can carry out such violence more easily, and with less backlash from ordinary Palestinians, because even many Palestinians who loathe the organization have lost hope that moral strategies can succeed. By treating Israel radically differently from how the United States treated South Africa in the 1980s, American politicians have made it harder for Palestinians to follow the A.N.C.’s ethical path. The Americans who claim to hate Hamas the most have empowered it again and again.


Checking in with the Israeli right wing:

non-paywall link



So question here: Is the Biden Admin handling this crisis very well so far?

They have a lot of difficult goals here to achieve. They have to support their ally in Israel for all sorts of reasons. They didn’t loudly push back against the Israeli talk about cutting off everything to Gaza, but it wasn’t because they were going to look the other way. They let Israel have their grief and anger driven initial reaction, then tactfully talked them down some.

Israel also has very legitimate fears about stuff in the north, making it at least arguable preemptively striking there is the right thing to do. USA saying they will take down those targets if the north attacks and backing that up with two carrier strike groups both calms Israel from taking that risk and deters the north from attacking.

Add Biden actually traveling into Israel, which conveys additional support and deterrence. Really the main US goal has to be to get through the next few weeks without some massive widespread war breaking out.

I’m probably one of Biden’s bigger critics here, and I think he’s been excellent on both this and Ukraine.


I wouldnt call the use of US weaponry involved in the wholesale slaughter of civilians, a huge percentage being children, as doing a good job, but I suppose the bar is pretty low.

Biden’s nailing it, IMO

Seems like deploying all these carriers and marines amphibious ships is a genuine effort to provide stability to prevent regional escalation. Also feel like him visiting maybe slowing things down too? Felt like there were going to be tanks rolling into Gaza like 5+ days ago

Biden is handling it excellently for domestic politics.

Imo, by the time we are done the rest of the world will see the whole episode as the latest US exercise in might makes right.

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3000 people already killed in Gaza. When it’s all said and done, America’s enemies will argue a) the response was vastly disproportionate b) none of this would have happened if the IDF just had reasonable border security but instead they were busy bullying Palestinians in the West Bank and taking their land c) regardless of how you feel about the conflict, the US helping the already much stronger side while it is inflicting massive civilian casualties is immoral.


I want to point out how grateful I am for social media’s impact during this thing. When it first started pretty much everyone was full on go get 'em pro israeli, but that dialed way back rapidly as people got up to speed.

The 9/11 effect lasted less than a week this time which is kind of crazy. This hospital strike is the kind of thing that gives the US cover to do a lot less without looking like a bad ally, which is clearly what Biden wants.

One thing I’ll give Biden he’s been consistently against war in the Middle East since at least 2008 and has over and over again taken risks to try to get our country out. It’s going to be his biggest achievement in the history books probably. Getting out of Afghanistan and deescalating this Israel-Hamas conflict if he manages to do that are the stuff that should get you a Nobel not just being not W and black lol. Sorry Obama, I love you but that Nobel was kinda silly lol. You droned a lotta people.

Biden is probably doing ok in terms of the politics, but I assume history will suggest that he could have done more to limit the pending death and suffering.

That is super fucked up, feels like someone really pushing for this to have half a dozen countries involved. Just like the initial Hamas attack makes no sense except if they wanted a big war to start this makes no sense from Israel standpoint unless they want a even bigger war to start

We’ve reached the “bombing a hospital is somehow ok” portion of the proceedings. JFC

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This is just going to get worse.