Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

This one sounds definitely intentional

I really donā€™t know what to make of this news. This is exactly what theyā€™d said they would do. Iā€™m curious what the fuck biden is thinking here. There are no good outcomes for him or for the country getting this heavily involved, and heā€™s taken the complete opposite approach wrt civilian deaths and stuff than I could have imagined. Iā€™ve been reading some reports that this is somehow making him poll even worse which i did not think possible.

Weird situation. In one the most peaceful suburbs in the country, there was a major road shutdown because 600+ people were involved a seemingly impromptu pro israel protest that got raided quickly by a counter protest. Cops with riot gear were called but it looked like absolute chaos.

Yeah it certainly hard to make a whole lot of sense of what almost anyone is doing between Hamas/Israel/Hezbollah/etc, I gotta think Biden is looking at reports outlining possible scenarios where like a couple million people die and believes however he approaching this somehow minimizing those WW3 type outcomes. (Not that I can give any real explanation of how his approach actually doing that, but he genuinely doesnā€™t seem to want a big Middle East war and think pulling out of Afghanistan supports that view of him).

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Heā€™s positioned a lot of military resources in the region. Iā€™m curious why your read of this is that heā€™s trying to avoid a big military conflict. Iā€™m genuinely curious not trying to be insulting or hostile or whatever.

Iā€™m not expert on details but think the idea would be if there enough American military in the region Iran and associated parties wonā€™t more actively attack Israel and widen the war. Also may be able to convince Israel to not preemptively attack elsewhere if they feel adequately assured that US will protect them.

But, it seems like US military presence anywhere especially in this sensitive region surrounded by us enemies is only inviting conflict regardless of intentions. Israel can manage on their own, Iā€™m sure, and if anything total US support both diplomatically and militarily is emboldening their approach to ā€œlevelingā€ gaza. Surely people can see this right? Iā€™m not completely insane?

we sent less support to ukraine and theyā€™re being actively invaded by a member of the G20 with 100x the deaths the israeliā€™s suffered under equally brutal circumstances by the aggressor. What the christ is going on in peopleā€™s heads when they argue about this stuff? Clearly itā€™s fucked up. Like clearly and obviously. One side has the potential to make it less fucked up every day and they only press ā€œmaximum fucked upā€ over and over against civilians. and people argue about it like duh of course they should.

makes no sense, there are clearly defined laws about war crimes and crimes against humanity this easily falls under. anyone can google them right now! yet this is somehow a controversial statement, on UP and elsewhere. wild.

The Lopez War? Ah, of course

Certainly it seems no government (not even their own) actually has the interest of people living in Gaza as their primary concern now.

Maybe youā€™re right that Iran/Hezbollah/etc are already deterred enough by Israel itself to stop a full on multi country war.

Seems bad!

The actual people in charge (Hamas leader and Benny and his ministers) keep saying the goal is elimination/destruction of the ā€œotherā€. Huh.

The difference here is one has the capability to carry it out and the other has approximately 0 chance.

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Iran has 10x more population than Israel, throw in a few other neighbors and you envision why Israel going to be perpetually nervous when hearing those threats. Obviously being nervous is not a reason to kill civilians.

lol fuck biden



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After describing an instance in Hebron where an Israeli soldier stopped him at a checkpoint until he identified himself as non-Muslim:


blew up another ambulance again ā€œfull of hamasā€, oh well guess we gotta take their word for it

pretty sure even if that were true itā€™s still a war crime lol

I am once again wondering why anyone talks to Isaac Chotiner:

this shit should be published everywhere. let people see what is meant by ā€œsettlementā€

90% of americans probably havenā€™t even heard the term ā€œsettlerā€ in this context, and those who have are picturing some typical american prairie schooner oregon trail fantasy (and of course they are absolutely not picturing any sort of violence against natives).

This is so sick:


This video was tweeted by Netanyahu!

Even if this was all true (and, uh, lol), it still does not justify bombing a fucking hospital!