Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

B-b-b-b-but Hamas is forcing their hand! They HAVE TO murder babies!!!

Hi, we’re a democracy and we’re pretty great! Give us weapons.

I believe that’s the same hospital where the IDF shot at obvious civilians waving white flags and trying to leave.

That Hamas underground complex video reminds me of this
Old Uses for New Bunkers #38: the post Cold War rise (and occasional fall) of underground lairs | lukebennett13


I found the video but this tweet claims it was Hamas doing the shooting.


MSF doesn’t specify who does the shooting but they are calling for a stop to the IDF attacks on the hospital.





I don’t understand how they think “we’re doing exactly what the terrorists want us to do” is a convincing argument

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Are they asking the patients in this hospital? The premature babies?


No, they’re asking all of their Hamas relatives and sympathizers.

Thing that makes me feel most pessimistic about this is I’m sure Israel feels from a strategic standpoint they can’t agree to any eventual agreement that is better for Hamas than whatever the status quo was going to be or else that would incentivize further terror attacks and Hamas obviously not interested in giving up their power so feels like there no end in sight

I’m inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt, but these posts feel like they have some gross undertones of chest-thumping and “how do you like us now” in response to Israel’s fairly indiscriminate massacre of Palestinians, which feels particularly hollow when this kind of violent response is probably exactly what Hamas wanted out of this (so their answer to your question is, yes, they’re fucking thrilled). And ordinary Palestinians, who mostly do not approve of Hamas, are the ones paying the price.


It’s not chest-thumping. It’s human nature to strike back at terrorists who massacre your citizens, and it’s pretty ballsy to call out Israel for the fact the some innocent Palestinians are going to die precisely due to the actions of what passes as their government.

Hamas still has the power to end all of this by freeing the hostages and surrendering. But they’re vicious cowards who hide out in hospitals and dare the IDF to strike them. I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, although I haven’t heard you say what actions you think a sovereign nation should take when viciously attacked by an objectively weaker neighbor.

yeah do they realize the kids in the hospital aren’t hamas operatives

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It really is not ballsy. Like, most of the world looks at what Israel is doing with horror; the people who are in the minority, and are taking the ballsier position, are the ones who look at this like “welp, what are you gonna do, seems like they deserve it for not picking a better government”. Granted, the United States is not very representative:


Again, the ballsy position here is that “welp, no other choice but to take their bait and kill tens of thousands of civilians” is the logical consequence that follows from this.

This episode had some good ideas:

sure but “Hamas is bad” doesn’t give you license to kill unlimited babies


I mean, I get it, Hamas doesn’t fight fair and they use human shields or whatever, tough shit. the Bibi regime wants to claim some sort of moral high ground, well sorry shitheads, you lose that the instant you start bombing civilians (they already lost it a long time ago, but ignoring all that and just looking at current events, they absolutely are not any better).


I haven’t listened but read the Vox article and seems like a lot of stuff that sounds good in theory but how does it translate to the actual conditions there? Like how are you supposed to do what they propose below without civilian deaths when the tunnels/etc are specifically made to be under residential areas/mosques/etc?

“ “Go in for a few weeks or less, trying to find Hamas leaders and destroying tunnels, weapons caches, etc,” says [Dan Byman] a professor at Georgetown who studies Israeli counterterrorism.”

There’s a transcript at the link as well, here’s one example:

Another thing this episode really illuminated is that Israel has no strategy here. All the Palestinians they’re killing right now are not in some service of an end goal - they’re doing this out of revenge, and because they have no other ideas. Let’s say they “destroy Hamas”, whatever that means (they talk about that ambiguity a bit). What’s next?

This discussion goes on for a bit and gets quite detailed, but one important point it makes is that when reconstituting a government as an occupying force, you need some group of people who will work with you, and no such thing exists in Gaza:


it is the children who are wrong

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Thanks that does have a lot more info than the article. My initial reaction after Oct attack was thinking seems like special forces/intelligence campaign to assassinate the relevant Hamas leadership seemed logical. I kinda wonder if my propensity to thinking that is seeing how Obama approached getting Bin Laden and maybe seeing that go so “well” gives me unrealistic expectations for what could be done. Hell even Trump droning Solemaini looks clean and measured in this context. I’m sure both these assassination violated who knows how many international laws but better than urban war if “something has to be done”. But does seems Israel just wanted to do something without having a plan

Bibi and the LIKUD also have the power to end it. And they’re also vicious. And they’re also cowards. And they have, in their own way, provoked the Palestinians to strike Israel.

I imagine the Germans and Austro-Hungarians were saying similar things after the Archduke was murdered by a terrorist. The US certainly was saying it in the 2001-2005. Neither of those powers gained much from their subsequent actions. So while it’s easy to understand the course of action Israel is taking, we know it doesn’t lead to good things.

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