Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Some UP level awful posting going on here


When your actions result in you literally killing premature babies, you have left humanity and any remnant of morality behind.

Edit: pvn already made this point, but I’ll let it stand since it really can’t be repeated enough. Israel is killing babies. Sorry, they’re far worse than Hamas at this point. Which takes some fucking doing!

earlier in Bibi’s situation room: “well boys, we asked some rando internet poster on SPE and he doesn’t know what to do, so ‘operation baby murder’ is now authorized, get to work!”

seriously bruh, gtfoh with this weak shit, you’re way, way smarter than this. It’s not our job to give Bibi a morally upright strategy. The fact that he’s bad at his job doesn’t mean he gets to do the worst possible thing and be praised for it.


Yeah, I mean it’s a really messed up situation and I’m not sure what the morally perfect strategy is. But I’m pretty sure attacking hospitals and killing babies is at the opposite end of the moral spectrum, so we can start with “Don’t do that.”

Surely all reasonable people can agree with not doing that.


Yes, let’s start with “no baby killing”.

Am I allowed to worry about what Hamas and what feels like an increasingly large percentage of people in general would like to do to Israeli and Jewish people, including babies? Can I do that while abhorring what Israel has done and is currently going in Gaza? Does expressing this feeling mean that I’m justifying what Israel has done and is doing?

Just for context, in the last week at my son’s high school swastikas were carved into a bunch of desks and someone my son doesn’t know came up to him in a hallway and said that it would be better if all Jews had died in the holocaust.

I definitely also have no idea what the correct moral action is, but what Israel is doing definitely is not helping in the big picture, I know that fucking much.


I mean if you’re asking if you’re allowed to have a nuanced opinion that isn’t just reduced down to thing bad thing good, like lol no you absolutely are not.

If there’s one thing we can agree on, it’s that these babies were asking for it and shouldn’t have embedded with a terrorist regime.

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Think this pretty much sums up the hopelessness of situation to me, you have Israel knocking out power to hospital in pursuit of no apparent military goal. And at same time instead of having people holding the babies to keep them warm like people have done for a million years they have to arrange this photo shoot to attempt to gain international sympathy as that is their best hope.

Yes, yes, no.

What happened to your son is awful. Is there any hope of the other kid facing consequences?



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Are you sure they have the people to spare to hold the babies?

Anyone who moves inside the hospital is getting directly killed. Two nurses were killed by snipers in the last 24 hours. Anyone who tries to leave the hospital is targeted. You mentioned the 38 premature newborns — three of whom who’ve died — are currently outside of their incubators, at risk of hypothermia, without access to oxygen. And I’m not sure how they’re going to provide them with all the things they need, including food.

Lots of quotes from doctors in different hospitals. It’s tough to read.

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How on Earth does Israel not at least say “bring out the babies and we’ll get them to safety” or something? It feels like I am more sympathetic to Israel in general than most here but come on “fuck them babies” makes it impossible.

Are we sure Doctors Without Borders isn’t, in fact, a terrorist organization? Makes you think.!

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those babies had it coming for supporting hamas

They’ve made it quite clear what their goals are - fairly explicitly. the western media (and biden administration) has been ignoring this, and now I see some of the early IDF sympathizers backpeddling to “hamas is making this up entirely” takes, even as IDF is going out of their way to take credit for attacks on civilians.

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Democracy is when you point guns at NPR reporters

edit: I shouldn’t undersell the part where they kidnap a Palestinian for the crime of talking to those NPR reporters, but that’s so tragically routine. What I think is somewhat revealing about this story is how little they give a shit? Like, it seems like they know they can do whatever they want without any accountability, whether from their superiors or from international observers.

Sounds like the Netanyahu administration wants to simply take all of Gaza, and kill whatever Palestinians stay behind.


Osama bin laden’s “letter to america” original news report has been pulled from the guardian site because it went “viral” (not really, less than a million likes) on tiktok. hey cia/fbi/biden/etc, fuck you btw.

I re-read it, and it struck me how his reasoning for attacking civilians is exactly, literally EXACTLY the same as the IDF apologists give for why it’s somehow ok to kill palestinian civilians:

(3) You may then dispute that all the above does not justify aggression against civilians, for crimes they did not commit and offenses in which they did not partake:

(a) This argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom, and its leaders in this world. Therefore, the American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want.

substitute americans for palestinians and palestinians for israelis and it’s exactly the same. In fact I want to do that and post it somewhere viral and then reveal it’s bin laden’s words.

I dunno about you but I prefer not to make arguments bin laden made, especially wrt killing civilians. tough look.

full text is archived here:
