Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

I never fucking learn, just can’t stop, the flow of diarrhea is just too tempting, I can’t stop looking at it.

It is, of course, stupid to say that an agreement would only not be reached because of the other party. You can’t put forth a proposal that you like and then get upset that the other party does not like it.

You can’t refuse to negotiate and then cry when no one is left standing.

Did you try reading your own link?

Hamas says its position is ‘negative’ on Israel’s offer but signals willingness to keep talking.

The side who wants a ceasefire always wants to “keep talking.”

The clock is ticking…

Referring to an offensive into Rafah, per CNN:

Despite warnings from Blinken and other top Biden officials, the Israeli prime minister has continually said he would carry out such an operation with or without a ceasefire deal, and with or without US support.

So even if there’s a “ceasefire” they’re going to invade Rafah. Did we change the definition of ceasefire?

Bonus points to anyone who can explain how this is a generous deal from Israel, as Blinken claims, or how we can view Israel as intending to do anything short of taking all of Gaza, given Netanyahu is promising to take Rafah even if there’s a ceasefire.

You seem to care very little about Palestinian lives.


According to @DrChesspain, you are not allowed to try to negotiate for an actual ceasefire and then cry when your people get slaughtered anyway, so I guess this is the natural order of things when the more powerful side wants to commit genocide and the other side isn’t sufficiently sympathetic.

So you do have some basic understanding of human behavior?

Good for you!

I mean, I thought you above “might makes right” but if that’s your side, plant your flag and we can just move on.

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Super normal stuff here:


U.S. and Israeli officials said Israel told the Biden administration that if arrests warrants are issued, it will consider the Palestinian Authority responsible and retaliate with strong action that could lead to its collapse.

The mask is all the way off. Bibi is in survival mode. He’s still looking for an exit from this hell of his own making.

Honestly I do not see one he’s fucked.

WAPO Article about Israel destroying a bunch of food production capacity in Gaza. Very normal stuff.

It’s Hamas fault for eating the same food as the Palestinians. What else could Israel do?

non-paywall link

yeah this is never going to sink in with normies because it’s so counter to everyone’s lowest level brain programming. it would never occur to regular humans that someone would take the bibi path here.

To be fair that’s because you have to be a sociopath to find bibi lines.


I expect the report will be released right around when Aileen Cannon sentences Trump to jail