Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

More explanation of how Biden is doing competent work



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When I was in grad school, I had a professor who liked to joke about his snarky restatement of the 3 laws of thermodynamics. His restatement thereof was:

  1. You can’t win
  2. You always lose
  3. You have to play

His restatement may have been overly brief, but it was technically accurate. In more physical terms, the first law is that energy is conserved, and thus you can’t get more energy out than you put in, perpetual motion is impossible, etc. Thus, you can’t win, and you won’t get energy for free or any more than you had to start with. The second law is that entropy (loosely, disorder) in a closed system is always increasing. You can create order, sure, but only by spending energy, and that energy comes by burning something else to the ground. Thus, you always lose (overall). The third law is that absolute zero is unachievable. Could a system achieve absolute zero, it would be so frozen that entropy wouldn’t increase, and thus you wouldn’t be playing the losing game. But, it’s impossible. Thus, you have to play.

First-past-the-post representative democracy in the US isn’t quite as grim, but it’s not much better. You can “choose not to play” by staying out of things as best you can, but that doesn’t remove you from the game. It just makes you a pawn rather than having any say as a player. You can also try to change the game, but that is difficult and risky. That relies on either very powerful people voluntarily giving up power (which has happened albeit rarely, c.f. George Washington), or considerable violence (from which there is no guarantee of a game that’s better for everyone, not to mention that you’re likely to get yourself killed if you don’t succeed).

But, if you’re on the far left, and you want to play the game, is it true that you can’t win and you always lose? Well, to begin with, I’d hope that as someone who knows they’re playing the game of first-past-the-post representative democracy as a far left player, also knows that they’re playing from a losing position. Someone who self-identifies as having an unpopular position should well know that a system that doesn’t even require an outright majority to govern is going to cater to plurality popular opinions, and those winning pluralities are not necessarily beholden to unpopular opinions to maintain power.

So, no, I don’t think far left opinions should expect to win, but I think it’s good that they play. They can and do succeed at pulling the plurality opinion left either by appealing to leadership that drags their constituency or by appealing to the plurality that drags leadership. We’ve seen this with Women’s Suffrage, we’ve seen this with the Civil Rights Act, and we’ve seen this with gay marriage. It may take a lot of time, it may take a lot of effort, and it may take a lot of beatings from cops, but victories can be won. But there are a ton of losses, too. We saw a ton of backlash against the original MA supreme court decision to allow gay marriage, and the electoral backlash that came from it hurt leftist progress a lot. Obamacare saw a purge of vulnerable congresscritters, and I’m not sure trans acceptance is going forwards at this point.

These fights are good, very good, win or lose, but if it should be lose at some point, it’s time to try again, not to decide “if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em” or to decide to join the fringe trying to flip over the table.

Sure, Biden isn’t good enough at listening to the moral rightness proclaiming the humanity of Palestinians, and he seems unwilling to be much to the left of the median American opinion. Yeah, that sucks, but that doesn’t mean that Trump is the solution. It means that now is the time to keep dragging the median American opinion left so that either Biden or his successor or his successor’s successor has no choice.

Doing the unpopular but just thing doesn’t mean fighting one battle and then deciding that burning everything to the ground is better after all. It means doing the best you can every time you can, even if that means voting for the less shitty option when, at that point, that’s the best thing you can do. Donate money, protest, vote, argue on the internet, argue over the dinner table, give a marginalized person a hand, call out an asshole publicly or in private. No one instance of those things is going to change the world on its own, but that does not mean that those things weren’t worth doing or that violent revolution or capitulation were better options. Sometimes or mostly, you lose. Hopefully always, you try again, because you are in the game.


Observant Christians and Jews and Muslims who actually take to heart teachings about loving your neighbor and loving your enemies are not hard to find, even if they aren’t very loud.

Honest question.

Do you think the US has anywhere close to 90% of things Western Democracies in Europe have? You know… universal healthcare, education, drug decriminalization, incarceration rates that aren’t exponentially higher than the rest of the world, etc ?

No, of course we don’t. You think we get there by making things worse?

You think things could get any worse in the place I live?

Yes, I do. Is birth control currently legal there?

Sure thing bud

But hey, at least the eDem can run on restoring Roe for the next couple decades

Ah, yes, because one thing got massively worse, nothing else could possibly be worse than right now! Now we cane really fight for Euro-style comforts now that we know can’t fight for abortion any more.

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I’ll be sure to vote harder in the next “most important election of my lifetime”.

Oh, right, the real virtuous thing is to not do virtuous things.

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We should vote Trump, because then there will be politicians I like who will have so many more issues to restore that they can run on!

True. That’s basically my in laws. They’re Protestant and very religious. Extremely involved in their church. They also hate Trump. This is in contrast to their extended families many of whom are also quite religious but love Trump.

I’m not voting for Trump. There’s no reason for me to vote for Biden. You and Ikes can go clutch your upper middle class pearls somewhere else.

The real virtuous thing to do is to vote for state sanctioned genocide.

We used to have abortion where I live. The Dems had numerous chances to enshrine Roe as law when they held all levers of power. I wonder why they didn’t :thinking::thinking::thinking:

As far as I know, nobody here is voting for Trump. I’ll probably vote for Biden, but begrudgingly. I’m sure not going to call people stupid for not doing that, though. The only way to stop being taken for granted is to not give your vote away for ~nothing.

Yeah but if you just vote harder they’ll fix it. Just gotta vote hard enough to get them 60 in the Senate! Piece of cake!

this is the thing. when you get the centrist e-dem shitbags saying stuff like “hey this election is TOO IMPORTANT so you gotta just shut up about the stuff you care about this time” the immediate response should be exactly this. when it WASN’T the most important election and they had the chance to actually fix stuff, they didn’t.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepts invitation to address joint meeting of Congress
