Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

I think Rs just long term out strategizing Dems in regard to Roe is a much cleaner explanation than intentional D sabotage.

Also drives home how important it is to have voters who turn out for the party no matter how much they hate the candidate. There a group of Rs genuinely hate Trump but he brought them the decades long prize

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The 90% number was obviously an exaggeration. The point is Biden has done a ton for the left, way more than anyone on the left ever thought he was going to do when they voted for him in 2020, and close to as much as he possibly could given the makeup of congress and scotus. But he still gets shit on by those people because they haven’t gotten everything they want.

As far as your comments about things can’t get much worse in Oklahoma, correct. That’s what living in a conservative hellscape looks like. We’re in a two party system, where one party is hell bent on turning everywhere they can in this country into that. So when you get sick of hearing about how every election is so important, it’s because that’s what happens anytime they’re allowed to get into power. Oklahoma isn’t the shithole it is because of Biden, it’s a shithole because it’s a one party conservative state and every single state in the south like that has been run into the ground.

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This was an excellent post btw.

The issue facing American politics is that our two parties in this first past the post democracy are essentially:

-the leopards eating faces party
-the good governance party

The good governance party is by default the left party because they actually want to do things. They’re also the correct choice in literally every situation because the other party is just leopards eating faces.

The leopards have a really incredible propaganda machine though. It convinces a big chunk of Americans that they really want to have their face eaten by leopards. But the other thing it does is it radicalizes the left to the point where they get them to believe that since everything isn’t perfectly what they want it to be they should withdraw and just not care if the leopards get to eat some faces because I wasn’t getting everything I wanted.

You keep repeating something along these lines. What if the thing they don’t get is really, really, really important to them?

You’re still in the same situation. You can keep electing a party that wants to actually have a functional government and has proven that over time the things they accomplish consistently move policies to a more progressive place, you can vote for the leopards eating faces, or you can withdraw and effectively help the leopards gain more power by withdrawing from the process.

There’s a clearly superior choice there.

That’s like always cooperating in a repeated prisoner’s dilemma. Clearly not a superior choice.

It’s not remotely the same thing.

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To be fair to the leopards, they give their party members people to look down upon, and people love that shit. You can see it throughout history, and you can see it on any school playground, people really, really value the feeling of being better than other people.

“If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

How does helping Trump get elected in 2024 address the above?

But, if you really truly believe things literally cannot get worse - for anyone, not just you - then there isn’t anything left to discuss.

yeah this is it guys, keep it up. wagging your finger at the voters and telling them how dumb they are and what spoiled brats they are is sure to get those turnout numbers surging, no wonder the democrats have lost six hundred state legislatures and 10 senate seats since obama, great work GJGE

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For leftists primary season is the main event. The best way for them to gain influence is to beat establishment democrats in primaries for safe blue districts. You’re looking for as many AOC’s as you can find basically. That’s where I dumped 100% of my political donations for this cycle.

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Doing things that benefit them and that they claim to want doesn’t seem to work so :person_shrugging:

Seriously though, this is a tiny Internet forum made up of left leaning people. If we can’t have a discussion here over whether or not certain people on the left are being incredibly stupid politically, where can we have it?

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Let’s be real leftist infighting is a huge part of the reason communism/anarchism doesn’t work lol. Never have I ever met a more self righteous bunch of weird assholes and I grew up a (fairly bad) pastors kid.

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It’s door #3. Two options seem to get discussed here: Dems are incompetent clowns/got outplayed or Dems are “in on it.” Dems aren’t in on sabotaging womens rights, but let’s not pretend it wasn’t obvious what was coming if they didn’t codify Roe.

The real issue is their priorities, BriansHat is slightly off with this:

I would describe them as:

-The bigoted fuck the poor party.
-The protect the wealthy and socially liberal party.

The problem on social issues is not that Dems are incompetent or secretly against protecting rights. It’s that protecting the wealthy comes first. Little in American politics protects the interests of the wealthy more than the filibuster, and the Democrats are not about to nuke the filibuster for anything. Not even what is probably the most important issue to their biggest voting bloc.

They try to pin this on one or two politicians for whom it is electorally favorable to be seen as obsessively moderate, like Sinema and Manchin, in a political win-win. But there’s been reporting that there were at least seven Democrats against nuking the filibuster last time it came up, and my money would be on the over if it ever came to it. If you replaced those seven with clones of AOC, I’m betting a few more pro-filibuster Dems would pop up.

As long as the current set of establishment Democrats is running the party, this is how it’s going to be - and it may be impossible to overcome, given Citizens United. It’s not a coincidence IMO that this problem traces back to that ruling and has gotten progressively worse. If we had Bernie as President, a progressive House, and 49 AOC’s in the Senate, that 50th Democrat would be offered a MASSIVE bag to block nuking the filibuster.

If it was obvious women would have had mass protests about it during Obama era. I think most people (even most Rs included) thought this was settled. It was a small group of Rs who really had faith in their strategy actually working

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I don’t think it was obvious to the mass public, but it was obvious to competent political operators and junkies. I mean on this forum we all knew it was at stake. It could have been done under Obama or early on under Biden iirc regarding timing.

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Do you think me abstaining from voting for Biden in Oklahoma has any bearing on Trump being elected?

Legit fucking lold on the toilet