Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

First, I think if important to point out that they didn’t have 48 votes for it, it was probably closer to 40 which is a big part of these issues.

That said, I think SCOTUS has a tough time striking it down without torching their credibility far more than they currently have. Either way we’re in a better situation than we are now, ainec.

Those are fair criticisms of US foreign policy, but how much could Biden have done without Congress? He’s got an arm tied behind his back on this.

I mean they weren’t running these laws up to SCOTUS every time with the intention they would be struck down over and over again. The second they got Kennedy out of there they were going full tilt to get cases up there to overturn Roe and they got it on their second swing. They don’t care if it’s unpopular or not; they do all kinds of unpopular shit and they still win. I can buy the argument that voters didn’t think it would happen but I’m still dubious on that point.

Wait, so you’re arguing that Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Handmaids Tale, and Gorsuch would give a shit about this and would consistently apply commerce clause precedent?


Yes, for normies.

Just look at the first two examples. Congress has nothing to do with that. Let me add to the list:

Didn’t fire Jake Sullivan

Yes. 100% yes. Smash that button without hesitation. Because I am a normal person who does not believe Joe Biden has the power to stop every injustice in the world that is happening, especially those outside of our borders. And I don’t believe Biden’s failure to stop an injustice for which he is ultimately not culpable is good reason to switch to a guy who wants to use his power to deliberately exacerbate that injustice.


Biden is still delivering weapons to Israel. Netanyahu is invited to speak before Congress.

And I don’t like either of those things.

But I don’t get to pick which of Biden’s policies I get to vote for. I’m voting for Biden because of the two people who will have a chance to be president, Biden is the superior choice in many, many ways (including on Israel/Gaza).

Yeah it seems like it is straight up impossible to be president of the USA without doing some bad shit. Like literally impossible. So I don’t think that is a good reason to let someone way worse take the wheel

Who knows? It’s questionable, but like, we all probably would have bet on Allen v. Milligan to be a loser for the libs and we would have been wrong. And more importantly, it doesn’t fucking matter. You still try anyway, even if you’re scared of SCOTUS, and also it takes a couple years for shit to go through and inshallah maybe Thomas eats it like Scalia or someone takes out Alito with the pointy end of a flagpole in that time.

Anyway dunno if this is the best time for more on-topic stuff, but here’s your weekly reminder that Israel is a lawless apartheid state (gift link)

The case of the two people on either side of the gate is a particularly clear example of a dynamic playing out across the Israeli-occupied West Bank. As much of the world has focused on the war in Gaza, Jewish settlers miles away in the West Bank have hastened the rate at which they are seizing land previously used by Palestinians, rights groups say.

The gate is not much to look at — made of orange bars and similar to what one might find on a farm. But Hebrew graffiti on the concrete blocks that hold it up refer to Genesis 21:10, a verse about driving people away.

Since the gate’s installation in October, it has served as a firm divider between the Palestinian Arab inhabitants of Tuqu and the Israeli Jews in the newly expanded settlement of Tekoa.

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sunsetting is the only way to avoid the filibuster (if something is budget neutral after 10 years it can be rammed through via reconciliation which is filibuster-exempt)

man this is a really bad post considering the thing they get dragged for the most in this forum is 1) not codifying roe and 2) not legalizing weed and both of those are massively popular

oh and of course ending the fucking genocide, which also has majority support

I’m sorry I’m not stupid enough to believe, for one second, that leftists wouldn’t be whining if codifying roe or fully legalizing pot would shut them up.

Cutting off Israel does not have wide spread support

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Ok, but most of that stuff sunset in a year or less. The ACA subsidies were a big one, and three years.

“we’re not going to kowtow to some fringe element”
“but these things are massively popular”
“well we’re not going to do that either”

ok buddy, this looks like a winning plan

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