Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

We’re getting close to the point where Israel could nuke the Gaza Strip and CN would be saying “Welp, that’s on Hamas, what else could Bibi do?”

That’s a little hyperbolic, but not much. Like nothing Netanyahu actually does is going to make him question the use of too much force here. If we haven’t found his limit yet, we probably aren’t going to.

So either he thinks all Palestinians are responsible for the actions of Hamas, or he thinks one innocent Israeli life is worth nearly infinite innocent Palestinian lives. I can’t see another logical conclusion about his point of view.

What is the line in casualties that would cause you to think, “Gee, Isreal really should have rethought that operation” ?

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How could there be one if Israel isn’t to blame for any deaths?

This is fucking obnoxious and rich considering your bleating about intellectual honesty

we are way past that point. literally if bibi had a button that instantly killed every non-hostage human being in gaza, CN would absolutely say “that’s on hamas”

I don’t have a strict number, nor do I particularly care how many Hamas fighters die when Israel is fighting an entirely legitimate mission like a hostage rescue. I’m guessing that you don’t either, but your language here is unclear.

Method and manner matters though. Israel didn’t come in guns blazing with no regard for civilians. They attempted a precise rescue at great risk for themselves. That’s very different than bombing targets with no regard for collateral damage.

Was it intellectually honest to leave out the next sentence of my post?

  1. CN supports Israel rescue missions and blames the larger death toll on the assholes who took hostages and fired off RPGs at retreating vehicles

  2. ???

  3. CN supports execution or nuking of everyone in the Gaza Strip

Dumbest thing ever posted on this site, congrats everyone.

No one does, which is crystal clear to everyone reading this thread, and this point has been made to you repeatedly. Speaking of obnoxious and rich and intellectual honesty.

The issue is most of us care how many Palestinian civilians die. A couple of you have made it pretty clear you don’t.

[ ] CN understand hyperbole

Although, if I’m being intellectually honest I’d probably go with:

CN understands hyperbole
[ ] CN is posting in good faith

Why’d you leave out “but not much”?

Say it with your chest, don’t get all mealy mouthed now.

Then you need to write to Hamas and explain to them how they can end the carnage.

I mean, what do you do with someone this impervious to information that’s already been posted, and subsequently pointed to, with no ability to ingest it?

Nobody is getting mealy mouthed, you’ve made it clear you don’t care how many Palestinian civilians die. There’s no line. You refused to set one in October, you refuse now. It didn’t cross a line when they were blasting hospitals, didn’t cross a line when they were hitting refugee camps, didn’t cross a line when they blew up World Central Kitchen vehicles on a pre-approved route and killed charity workers.

It sucks that Hamas put them in harm’s way.

“It really sucks that Hamas is forcing Israel to carry out this genocide, but that’s on Hamas,” he said, while supporting a genocide.


There you go, I’m proud of you. At least you can be honest about the inflammatory stupid shit you’re saying. Turns out it wasn’t hyperbole after all!

Yeah, that’s how the game works.

“Israel didn’t do _____.”
“Okay fine Israel did do that, but it’s not their fault, Hamas made them.”

There is literally no crime against humanity that isn’t justifiable with this depraved logic.

Israel did not do that, and your automatic 100% acceptance of someone claiming total innocence outside of where hostages are held with zero independent evidence just illustrates the ludicrous standards in your judgment