Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Hamas is pure evil, granted.

Why is one of their biggest boosters, Bibi, still PM of Israel 8 months after 10/7?

Bro this is you with the “there is a vast Hamas network in al-Shifa hospital” people, did they ever find all those terrorists under the hospital they vaporized yet?

I’d want to change the subject too if I were you

Why? DrChesspain is at least more honest than you, he admits Israel did do that and he just doesn’t fucking care.

Follow up question, why the guy who backed of an evil, terrorist organization, again Bibi, still categorically reject the idea of the Palestinian Authority ruling Gaza?

If he’s one of their biggest boosters, that sounds like a real gamechanger. You should make sure more people know about this.

Israel sent a team of commandos and met resistance. That’s different from indiscriminate killing. If that guy was truly someone wrong place wrong time, that sucks and isn’t fair. It’s also the natural result of Hamas tactics.

I, in fact, do care about the deaths of Palestinians.

It’s just Hamas fault. I’d argue that’s generally true about the conflict, but obviously Israel hasn’t held up to a reasonable standard a lot of the time, so I see that as more arguable.

What’s not arguable to me is what caused the excess deaths of this action

In before you start ranting that Haaretz is anti-Semitic

So… Amnesty International also just saying inflammatory stupid shit? The UN agency or whatever it’s called in charge of this stuff also just saying stupid inflammatory shit?

Let’s be clear here, the independent authorities who are always trusted on this stuff are calling it genocide. It’s not stupid or inflammatory to call it that, nor is it trusting the word of Hamas. It’s trusting the normal authorities.

You, by supporting this at this point are supporting what these authorities consider to be genocide. The people calling you out have the independent authorities on their side, they are not being stupid or inflammatory.

I don’t personally care about Bibi. I care more about how the average Israeli feels. Do you believe most Israelis support the incursion or do you think they’re too scared or ignorant to oppose Bibi.

How long until we begin crying for the children of the dead Ugandan soldiers at Entebbe? I hear that many of them were fine, young men simply trying to bring glory to their people when they were ruthlessly slaughtered by better armed Zionists.

Also, Israel brazenly violated international law and all forms of common decency when they kidnapped an old German bureaucrat in South America and made him sit in a glass box before murdering him at the end of a rope.

Those Jews are vicious. FOFO.

Keep going with this, tell us the conclusion!

What is your view on how the average Israeli feels about his leadership? I honestly have no idea what polling is expected in Israel so not sure if this is considered really good or really bad for the ruling party during wartime to be in the 30-50% range?


Over seven months into the war with Hamas in Gaza, a new poll puts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s job approval rating at only 32 percent.

Among Likud voters only, that number rises to 35%, according to the Channel 12 poll.

Netanyahu’s main opponent, National Unity chair Benny Gantz, is only slightly more popular, with a 35% overall job approval rating


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who [spoke out] against Netanyahu in a televised address this week, gets good grades from 43% of Israelis, the poll finds.

Other ministers in Netanyahu’s government also fare poorly in the poll, with Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s approval rating put at 21%, National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir at 28% and Transportation Minister Miri Regev at 27%.

Opinions on IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi amid the ongoing war are more divided, according to the poll, with 46% of respondents rating him favorably and 46% negatively.

Just keep watching the news.

Looking forward to more violations of international law? FAFO, go Israel amirite?

I asked about views regarding the incursion. I think the more pertinent question is what % of Israelis want an immediate and full withdrawal from Gaza?

You asked for the conclusion, didn’t you?

I don’t understand what you’re attempting to prove when you engage me. I don’t think you know either.

Seems harder for me to find up to date numbers there, but it seems you have some sources you drawing from about current polling there? This seemed most relevant looks 20% at time of poll said war had gone too far


The survey found 39 percent of Israelis said that the country’s military response against Hamas in Gaza has been “about right,” and 34 percent said it has “not gone far enough” — indicating continued support for the war. Another 19 percent said they think it has gone too far. The survey was conducted between March 3 and April 4, mostly before Israeli airstrikes [killed seven aid workers] for the charity group World Central Kitchen

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You will know from my post history I did not oppose Israel intervening in Gaza in some manner after a terrorist attack and also you know I have no ill will towards you.

However to a distant observer some of your posts have read like what someone would say if they didn’t believe that it’s possible for a Palestinian to be a civilian and therefore believe all of them including women and children are either enemy combatants or future enemy combatants so therefore are valid targets of war (or if not valid targets that their deaths are irrelevant so long as Israel overall mission is just). I don’t think you really believe that but if going just on some recent posts including some now deleted that is probably a conclusion someone could make and that distresses people to read.