Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

man it’s a big goddamn mystery, nobody can figure out why these people are so mad

well not yet

This is my exact take. I don’t know enough to assume anything but most of all fuck religion and humans are a disappointment.

Sure seems like eradicating Israel is working out great. This is what happens when your politics reward making things worse. Let it be a lesson to all of us as we watch our own country slowly circle the toilet bowl.

And of course once again this is not me giving a pass to the Israeli’s who are very clearly pushing the later stages of a long ethnic cleansing campaign against the people who want to do the exact same thing except probably faster to them.

You would think both sides would be able to arrange to have leadership that could agree on no ethnic cleansing at the same time, but you would be wrong. Instead what we have is a nightmare where the pro ethnic cleansing people on both sides are essentially allied in ethnically cleansing the Palestinians?

It’s fucking weird and I hate it.

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They could finish tomorrow and it would have taken 80 years. Something can be almost over and still have been very slow.

So if USA and Israel announce Iran is behind this shit, what’s the chances of the conflict widening?

Oh I meant here the incentives to be terrible are so bad that we’ve junked a ~240 year tradition of the peaceful transfer of executive power in about 2-6 years, depending on how you want to date it.

Hasn’t it already been confirmed that Iran encouraged Hamas to launch the strike?

US still officially saying not confirmed but think someone claimed to WSJ there was planning with Iran and was a meeting with Iran to sign off on it a week ahead of time. Also saw an article where Egypt claiming to have warned Israel, so seems lot various claims out there

I’ve taken stuff reported as fog of war, take with grain of salt kind of approache


Think primary source was unnamed Hamas leaders, they’d love nothing more than to suck Iran onto their side in a larger conflict.

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Iran is already in, pretty sure.

But, but, it was a Tweet. Therefore it must be true…

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Mean a big war with Israel and Iran shooting at each other rather than just supporting opposing proxies.

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Seeing all kinds of conflicting information about attacks coming from Lebanon. Best I can figure is some splinter/fringe Hezbollah guys are trying to instigate a broader conflict.

The quoted twitter link is a Palestinian minister stating his case. Worth watching if you don’t think there is a case to be made.

Wonder what’s going to happen with Hamas having hostages who are citizens of like a half dozen different major military powers? Is there much precedent for something like that happening with so many different countries?

And they are classical hostages that were kidnapped with no cover story, not like somewhere detaining some Americans on weak charges or something.

Yeah not trying to be an asshole to the US and Israeli intelligence but if they had known this was coming it wouldn’t have landed so hard… so I’m going to take their statements about who is responsible with a 500 pound grain of salt.

Also Israeli and US intelligence very badly want to make Iran look bad. Not saying that in a conspiratorial way, just that both institutions see Iran as an enemy to be weakened at any reasonable opportunity.

Personally I have been very pro Iran since our dumbfuck president decided to start a war with Iran in January 2020 and despite having the best possible setup to fight us on the best possible terms they passed. We have zero allies in the middle east who have ever done a favor that large for us. Zero.

I think the one of the best remaining run outs in the deck for the middle east is the Iranian government changing because they can’t get a handle on their internal problems and them rejoining the global community. At that point we make them an ally and let them run the entire region. 100% serious fuck the middle east cannot possibly be out of there soon enough. We’ve lit enough money on fire in the desert protecting the Saudi’s cheap oil extraction that we could have provided universal healthcare, ended homelessness, or substantially decarbonized the US economy. The opportunity costs of the ‘war on terror’ are so horrible the only sane reaction is to have a good cry.

I think if the Iranians wanted a large regional war they could have had one with us with the whole world supporting them including China + Russia back in 2020. If they’re in this thing they got dragged in kicking and screaming I guarantee it.

I’d be 0% surprised to find out the Iranians were just as surprised by the scale of the attacks as everyone else. They could 100% know that attacks were happening using intelligence they had dutifully passed along to their allies from the Russians… but then taken totally by surprise by how far it went.

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Religion is noting but a convenient scapegoat here. It’s not like if all the Palestinians converted to Judaism the Israelis would leave their settlements in the West Bank, and if the Israelis all converted to Islam, the Palestinians wouldn’t be all hunky dory with their subjugation.

It’s tribalism and power and fighting for land and resources. Religion just happens to be a convenient tribal delimiter in this case.