NC GOP gubernatorial nutjob candidate Mark Robinson Likes Hitler, Transgender Porn, Pee(p)ing on young women, and slavery. Hates MLK Jr

this seems more likely given the timing

Yeah there no way whoever replaces him win but we want those people to stay home completely because there a insert scandal here guy on ballot

Heā€™s 100 percent losing all the time right now. Stein is going to win. The issue is whether this can be made to hurt Trump.

No, I donā€™t think thatā€™s what happened. I think Steinā€™s people got it and leaked it to CNN. They maybe just jumped the gun, but again, when your only motivation is for Stein to win and not necessarily to inflict maximum damage on the rest of the ticket, I canā€™t say I blame them.

The latest Emerson poll has Robinson at 8% among black voters, while Trump is at 10%. Just getting 10% of those voters to stay home could cost Trump the state.

Thereā€™s no cross tab to pull from with regards to Jewish voters or with regard to a question about Israel.

This is one of the first (only?) times that Trump is acknowledging that a scandal involving the GOP actually matters, and showing some shame about it. Trump endorsed him, called him better than Martin Luther King Jr, and Iā€™m sure there is one of those Truths giving a complete and full and total endorsement. Can a complete and full and total endorsement be revoked? Might be able to hang this around Trumpā€™s neck a bit, since heā€™s shown it actually matters.

If so, Iā€™m pretty pissed at them. Heā€™s curb stomping the guy in every poll so heā€™s got like a 99.99% chance of winning, heā€™s got an October surprise for the ages apparently so letā€™s make it 99.9999% even if he sits on it til later. This should be coordinated with the Harris campaign for max damage to the entire GOP ticket in North Carolina.

The GOP plays stupid games, so they get to win stupid prizes. Their stupid prize here should be whatever crazy shit Mark Robinson did hanging around their necks, or in this case, theirā€¦ whatever.

CNNā€™s going to have to drop it soon to avoid being scooped.

Is it possible that Stein wanted to drop it in time to force Trump to comment on it today before the deadline, either supporting Robinson or calling on him to drop out? Maybe they calculated that was the maximum damage thing. Like if Trump comes out against extremely racist stuff, maybe it dings him with some of the white nationalist support? But if he doesnā€™t, maybe it dings him with some of the head in the sand independents who somehow havenā€™t figured out heā€™s super racist because they are almost too dumb to make it to a polling place on election day, but not quite.

If it is online porn related gotta wonder if the verification reporting will be worse than whatever it was initially. Like they tracked down some dudes who saw him in a gay webcam chat to confirm it was his screen name or something

I think you all put way too much faith and stock into the deep strategic moves of campaign chiefs and staff. The most likely explanation is that the stein people were tipped off to a ridiculous bomb and then just immediately pushed it to CNN while popping champagne.

The average SPE poster is way more strategic than the average democratic campaign chief.


When they were going to ā€œoutā€ Robinson and his wife for having had an abortion (he has said people who have abortions are literally muderers) he pre-empted them by outing himself, maybe he did that again?

Makes me feel like a political degenerate that I considering sweating this till 1159pm instead of getting a nice rest

Thatā€™s, like, a big problem.

Ohhhhhhhhh shit

What if I told you Mark Robinson liked transgender porn?



A source familiar with the matter said the revelations about Robinson include him saying things in online forums about liking transgender porn, peeping inside womenā€™s locker rooms while he was a student at North Carolina A&T State University and verbalizing wanting to own slaves.

Source is a freelance journalist, but heā€™s worked for the AP and NYT so heā€™s not making shit up.

GOP always finding the absolute best candidates

It also shows that heā€™s legitimately scared of losing the state.


Maybe, but itā€™s also true. Super smart strategic thinkers get better paying jobs than campaign manager.

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Yeah, so the online forums part is right, the super racist and antisemitic comments part is right, and the porn part is right. lol.