NC GOP gubernatorial nutjob candidate Mark Robinson Likes Hitler, Transgender Porn, Pee(p)ing on young women, and slavery. Hates MLK Jr

Moving the Mark Robinson Posts here since I expect this is going to get interesting.

Gotta be something compared to what already out there lol

Sources with direct knowledge have spoken with Carolina Journal on the condition of anonymity and said that Robinson is under pressure from staff and members of the Trump campaign to withdraw from the governor’s race due to the nature of the story, which they say involves activity on adult websites in 2000s.

According to sources, Robinson has resisted withdrawing and privately denies the story.

Thursday evening is the state deadline to withdraw from the race. The deadline to remove Robinson’s name from the ballot already has passed. There are just four weeks to go until early voting, and absentee ballots are due to go in the mail Friday.

Going to be pissed if Ds had the goods and accidentally let go a day or two early and he actually manages to drop out

Does it really matter?

Maybe not? But if true Trump pressuring him they must think it does?

This part is funny after all the pearl clutching about replacing Biden.

According to elections expert Andy Jackson of the John Locke Foundation’s Civitas Center for Public Integrity, the deadline to change the name on the ballot has passed under state law. Once the North Carolina State Board of Elections mails the absentee, overseas, and military ballots on Friday, changing the names could run afoul of the 14th Amendment. Instead, any votes Robinson receives on Nov. 5 would go to the replacement candidate chosen by the NCGOP.

If they swoop in and make it a generic R it could cost us North Carolina in the presidential.

Also, what could this be? Was he starring in adult films? Gay porn? Something involving minors?

Cheating on his wife or whatever wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar for this guy.

Yeah the implications of this are confusing, like if you have all this negative material seems you want to leak enough to damage him but not enough to make him actually drop out. I really hope we didn’t get screwed by someone not fully understanding rules

It’s not porn. It’s message board posts (lol) where he made extremely racist comments about Martin Luther King Jr., referred to himself as a Black Nazi, and used extremely anti-Semitic comments towards Jews.

Not at all clear to me that this actually hurts him in NC.

Also he’s just denying it’s him. Even if it’s definitely absolutely him and CNN has the goods, his denial will be enough for his followers.

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Sounds like it could be the best of both worlds for us, not enough to get him forced out, but enough to wake a few more people up and boost turnout against him (I agree it’s costing him like ~0 GOP voters).

I think he’s cooked (and has been for some time). Stein refusing to debate him just confirms that. Whether it drags Trump down though remains to be seen.

Yeah that definitely doesn’t sound worse than the stuff he’s already done.

I would guess the Trump people already know he’s a drag on them in NC and are just seizing on this as an opportunity to jettison him. But, they picked an absolutely lunatic who is probably (hopefully) not susceptible to threats or reason.

Actually, I’m now hearing, but this is layers of hearsay at this point, that both things might be true. Are there weird porn websites out there with message boards where politics are discussed? Because it might be that.

Uggh, I think they did leak this like a day too early.

I’m confused on the drop out thing. So he name stays on the ballot no matter what, but if he drops before midnight tonight the NCGOP gets to direct his votes to anyone they want?

I think correct. But they can also let voters know they’re not voting for him i guess, which maybe doesn’t depress turnout as much as they are worried it would? I remain skeptical that someone who was going to vote for Robinson & Trump now doesn’t vote at all because of the Robinson scandal, but I guess they’re worried about that and down ballot effects. Whatever this is, it’s really bad.

if this is true this seems great for democrats, most voters are low-info enough that they’ll hear that he’s dropping out due to being a freak and a weird dude, but then see his name on the ballot and just skip it.

I guess also possible Trump team had this for awhile and was trying to strong arm him behind scenes and had to take to cnn to up the threat?