No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

This is the mugshot of a man who shot his roommate in the ass for eating their last hot pocket.

Seems about right.

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He just looks so pleased with himself. Probably wasnā€™t the first time the dude took the last Hot Pocket. Affirmative defense may have legs here, more details are needed.

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Would have expected him to look more like this guy:


I think if you like hotpockets itā€™s assumed you would defend the last one to the death. Thatā€™s the natural order of things.

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If you like hot pockets you donā€™t have a ā€œlast oneā€, you eat them two at a time. Itā€™s in the damn name.


Doomed as it may be, at least heā€™s trying:


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Iā€™m sure trump will pardon her and use this as proof that the wall needs to be 10 feet higher

The freeway between Tucson and the Mexican border has signs with distances in km instead of miles. I used to wonder if this ever caused people to get confused and/or completely freak out.

This shooting is well beyond any scenario I ever imagined.

Maybe she thought that since Kentucky has no places with Mexican-sounding names (possible exception: La Grange, population 10,295), it stands to reason that it would be true throughout the entire country.

I mean, shouldnā€™t we give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe sheā€™s just never heard of American cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, or (ahem) El Paso?

I wonder what percentage of Americans have no clue that those city names are in/derived from Spanish? I assume about 90% of Americans, maybe higher, donā€™t know that those cities were once part of Mexico and that the US took them by force.

The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is in fact nothing, because good guys with guns donā€™t have to do anything if they donā€™t want to.

I think at a minimum he can be downgraded from a good guy with a gun to just another Florida man.

Iā€™m alright not requiring people to risk their safety by law, but I certainly hope he lost his job over this and never gets a job where he is required to carry. Will be interesting to see if there are any civil cases that come out of this, is that allowed against ā€œcops?ā€

just wow at this video

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Compare this to the officer at Parkland who was acquitted yesterday or all those Uvalde cops.

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Everything in that video is what I want in a cop. Was having fun with the kids, talking about seatbelts, and then no hesitation running on foot into god knows what with nothing but his rifle. Wish we could separate those guys out from the rest.


Couldnā€™t agree more.

That cop is obviously one of the good ones, but its still insane that this is the best case scenario ā€œgood guy with a gunā€ fantasy that the gun nuts have. Like this is the optimal outcome they are fighting for, an outcome where a family still gets annihilated while out shopping.