No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store


What. The. Fuck.


Stand your ground. Ainā€™t no one giving me homework over the weekend.


Kinderguardians. But seriously, What. The. Fuck.

Not sure how the parents avoid some type of charge for that.

Iā€™d be surprised if anything happened to them. Clearly they were responsible gun owners and this was just a freak occurrence that no one could have foreseen. We canā€™t go after people for owning guns. Thatā€™s just un-American.

Unless the kids/parents are black. Then theyā€™re fucked.


I mean, the constitution applies to 6 year olds the same as the rest of us. That kid had a right to bear that arm and his parents were just doing their god-given duty in letting him bring it to school. Nobody could have foreseen these tragic circumstances. The kid was probably just standing his ground anyway.

What to do with a 6 year old kid who apparently willfully shot a teacher is quite the societal challenge. Iā€™m sure that is too young for even juvenile justice system and not even sure if approached from treatment standpoint if there would be long term residential treatment programs really designed for that age group/circumstances either.

The article says heā€™s ā€œin custodyā€ and I honestly have no idea what the fuck that even means. There are no facilities, either justice, or mental health that Iā€™m aware of that can take a 6 year old. In ordinary circumstances you would place a 6 year old with temporary foster parents of some kind. I mean obviously the 6 year old has no agency and has no culpability in this ā€œcrimeā€ or whatever you want to call it. I guess you just keep an eye on him and make sure heā€™s not Michael Meyers as he grows up.

Iā€™ve seen down to 4 yo in a psychiatric short term psychiatric hospital but the entire hospital admin was like we have to figure out something. 6yo wouldnā€™t be super uncommon, but not like the kid could stay there for the next 12years, maybe a couple days

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Yeah Iā€™m guessing itā€™ll be the foster system or back to his parents or a relative depending on the facts here. I mean, shit, we dontā€™ even know if the kid has significant mental problems. Itā€™s a 6 year old. He somehow got a gun and likely had no real idea what he was doing.

yeah I could see relative or foster care, although could see it being a challenge finding someone wanting to take in a kid who tries to kill you if there is a disagreement. Articles make it sound like the kid specifically shot the teacher after a dispute

(Although if the dispute was teacher realizing the kid had a gun and trying to take it that is way different than what I was initially envisioning like kid wanting to shoot her b/c angry where even if kid didnā€™t know what doing would probably still be high risk for similar future violence)

Yeah was about to say, Iā€™ve put kids that young on holds

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So apparently, Virginia is not Texas. It is a crime to leave a loaded gun somewhere where it can be accessible to children:

I think the parents or some caregiver likely end up charged with something here.

Lol @ Glenn Youngkin:

Yes, if only we had invested more in mental health treatment, perhaps we would have had this six year old in inpatient treatment and prohibited from owning a gun! If only we had stricter penalties for crimes committed with guns, perhaps this six year old would have thought twice about the consequences of his actions!


Just another day in America. Iā€™m shocked how many relatives are still amazed when active shooter situations happen in ā€œtheirā€ small towns. I wish I knew how to wake these people up. This is just who the vast majority of Americans are now. But, it canā€™t be the gunsā€™ faults. Nope.


January 9th: already 423 people dead

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Whatā€™s the over/under on the single day/weekly/yearly death toll have to be for people to realize we need strict gun control? The gun lobby has convinced half the country that the problem is MORE people arenā€™t armed.

3d printing will make gun control nearly pointless at some point though, is the other thing.

There were 7 mass shootings on New Yearā€™s Day.

Wild guess based somewhat on COVID, but I think weā€™re talking about something in the order of 10k-50k dead per day to come close enough to a critical mass of directly impacted people to promote change of ā€œdeeply heldā€ beliefs.

Kids count 100 to 1, so maybe 100-500 dead kids per day.

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All of us


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