Personal Economics and Financial Decisions

Agreed, I was going off a ~15 minute demo drive I did and everything seemed pretty cool there but not necessarily “OMFG lemme drop $50k right now!” cool. Funnily enough the things I was most impressed by were the acceleration and one pedal driving.

I looked more into Bolt EUVs and they’re looking much more appealing now that I found a dealer that doesn’t only have the highest end models that they’re then also marking up by $3k.

As the group that turned 16 in the early 80s, my friend group had

Ford Pinto (“kaboom car”)
AMC Gremlin
Chevy Chevette
AMC Pacer (“pregnant egg”)
Renault LeCar
An older a Chevy Nova aka the “stereo surrounded by rust” aka “fill the oil, check the gas”

And I drove a Plymouth Horizon. The model year that had a non-lift door handle. The little plastic thingy inside the static handle that would freeze up, requiring crawling in through the hatchback in 10 degree weather.

Volvo EX30 is being announced in a week. My 09 Civic is starting to feel like a safety hazard. I’m really intrigued by the design and size of the EX30 (from teasers at least). May want to hold off and check it out first.


We had a dodge Omni and a Plymouth Horizon, don’t remember which one I learned to drive on, ugly little cars. Never got cold enough in Western Washington for parts on it to fail but I did use a lot of muffler tape on the exhaust of one of them.

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Thanks for the tip, sounds like cars start getting delivered in November though.

Going back to the HYSA conversation, I pulled the trigger on CIT Bank, an actual FDIC insured bank, and I’m getting 4.85% now (only condition is that you gotta keep $5k in there minimum at all times to get that rate, but my plan is just to park that money there except for emergencies). Pretty easy to setup and make the initial transfer from Chase. Haven’t come across any hidden fees yet.

Ooh, 4.85 is pretty good, thanks for the tip.

Somehow I dont think ive ever seen this thread, and the two recent topics are very relevant for me.

@otatop I have a 2022 Model Y LR, have had it for 17 month, 18,400 miles. I love it. Have had zero issues, its still fun to drive every day, efficiency has been great, waking up with a full “tank” every day is wonderful, etc. Admittedly it’s not for everyone, but I (and my parents who bought one after driving mine) am a huge fan of the car, despite hating Musk immensely.

As for the HYSA, ive been on the search as well. Posted in the thread on UP and got a good amount of replies. I’m about to pull the trigger on LendingClub at 4.25%, mainly because they offer cash deposits at ATMs near me. That is a huge convenience as I deposit cash several times a month. @MrWookie do you know if CIT has ATM deposits?

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Not seeing anything there about ATM deposits, and it wasn’t a priority for me. I’m just going to keep using Chase for all the incoming money, and I’ll periodically dump stuff in this HYSA when it feels like we have too much cash in checking via electronic transfer.

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How long did your electronic transfer take to hit your CIT account?

Hasn’t hit yet, they say 2-3 days.

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Too slow, I went and got this last Friday

About $10k cheaper than the Y I was looking at but yeah, so far I’m enjoying not buying gas and I’ve gotten a few free top ups.


Congrats, enjoy it!! Haven’t bought gas since Jan 2022 and never will again if I can avoid it. The real dream would be to have free charging at work, or solar powered charging at home, but not there yet. Spending about $50/month to charge at home currently as opposed to $200 in gas at 2019 prices.

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Took 8 days for me from transfer date to actually being posted as available.

I didn’t peek yesterday, but as of this morning, I see it like you, in but not available. I give zero fucks about this money being available, because I plan to do precisely zero with it for hopefully years on end. But, if someone does plan on actually using the money in a HYSA, this is a fair consideration. They say they start crediting interest from they day you click go on the transaction, so that is what matters more to me.

Random: is it ok to connect with super senior people in your company on LinkedIn if you interact with them directly?

People still use LinkedIn?

Yes? It’s a pretty good way to follow the job market, if only for pay comparison (many jurisdictions require employers to post pay ranges).

Can you say more about your potential concerns?

Were you thinking of initiating the connection, and then when they get the “Random riverpeon is requesting a connection” email, they’d be perplexed/perturbed?

Or some kind of impropriety or misleading aspect to the connection?

Because my take, as a reluctant, barely-user of LI, is that it should be fine. But I could be missing some facet of the situation.

I think yes, anyone from your own company who you interact with professionally is fair game. And these people are actually some of the best connections, if they move to a different company in the same industry and are familiar with your work they are often the best way to get a fast track in. And is to their benefit to have poachable connections, so I’ve never had one not accept.

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