Podcast thread

His book is borderline unreadable but the central thesis is generally correct. There is very obviously a historic trend towards liberalization. So much so you could see it as an inherent feature of culture and political structures.

The critiques focussed on short periods of history, like 20-50 years, are simply missing the point. The problem with Fukuyama isn’t that he tried to argue too big a story. It’s that he focussed on too small a period.

Crow T Robot is a fan of 5-4.

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Ed Zitron is on Posting Through It this week, he’s super fabulous

very good points about how mainstream media coverage of the recent Microsoft/OpenAI news has fundamentally failed the public, etc

One thing I disagree with is Ed’s take on healthcare. This technology is almost certainly going to be a huge net positive for society in that domain. he’s right that the first time one of these algorithms misdiagnoses a human there will be four billion lawyers trying to get in on the action but overall these will probably be more accurate than human diagnoses within the next few years. Plus this should enable a lot of automation that should reduce human error in (e.g.) dispensing medication etc.

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I just heard of him (through his Substack articles) this past month, and yeah, seems like a super smart guy with good takes.

today’s on the media is great, it’s not a usual mid-week broadcast, they’re just playing an interview of Brooke and her husband (Fred Kaplan) and they’re both just so good, it really makes you wonder what news would be like if we had more people with this kind of thoughtfulness and perspective and fewer of the dipshits that do well on TV.

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Brooke is a national treasure. I was upset when Bob left the show, but it’s clear she was the one carrying it this whole time.

5-4 had a premium episode titled “Prosecutorial Immunity, or ‘FTP’ Means Prosecutors Too” with some good stuff about how, contrary to federal law (“section 1983” which you might have heard of, part of the Ku Klux Klan act from Reconstruction), judges have just made up the idea that prosecutors, along with police, enjoy near-total civil immunity for the malfeasance they commit on the job. A couple great rants in this one - Rhiannon:

And Peter on how this betrays the bullshit at the heart of conservative legal ideology:




Quote of the year:


On The Media putting out another banger this week, pure crack cocaine for weird lefty politics nerds.

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I’m gonna try to listen to this this week, I think IBCK is also gonna do a premium episode on this subject at some point:

lol these dumb fucks. Nate is mad.

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Aw yeah, this one is just for the super-nerds:

This arrived much faster than I thought:



Not looking forward to the 5-4 on this upcoming student loan case.

Rewatching The Prisoner along with the above podcast now as a 40-something instead of a teenager when I first saw it and the show mostly still holds up but I notice more now what a misanthropic asshole No. 6 is. Dude just has no chill at all, despite his incredibly chill surroundings. I’m also more wary of the way the show’s message can lead to a path that ends in a gross Libertarian/Alex Jones mindset. It’s such a different era now.

If you’ve never seen The Prisoner before, really, just watching the first two and last two eps is really the way to do it. As much as I love the show, there is a considerable amount of filler and stories that are just sub-par.

Marc Benioff is fucking exhausting, dude was obviously unprepared for this interview and basically tried to filibuster his way out of it

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He recently decided to run his mouth to the media about how every CEO needed to find his inner Elon. Elon is running Twitter directly into the ground. Benioff is just trying to gaslight his workforce into believing they don’t have any leverage, which won’t work because they have all the leverage.

yeah she hammered him on that and he tried the “well I didn’t know about all his problematic behavior, I only thought he landed a rocket on a surfboard and I completely did not know he was calling people pedos” line which went over like a lead balloon.

benioff is such a weird dude because he really does have some humanity deep inside there somewhere but it’s so caked over with multiple layers of billionaire shithead

spit-take at the graph controlling for Milo


this was a surprisingly good episode

cliffnotes: B&N has decentralized ops to compete with amazon, basically given individual stores near total autonomy to select inventory, what to promote etc; unintended consequences have included a radical change in leadership demographics (a lot fewer old white guys - essentially “go woke, avoid going broke”).

Sean Illing’s “Gray Area” is a fantastic podcast in general, but this episode really made me have to sit down to digest it (I’ve gone through it three times now)

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