Podcast thread

I’ve been falling into the extended universe of You’re Wrong About-adjacent podcasts and I’ve been binging Maintenance Phase. The topic itself doesn’t interest me much but as a 90’s nostalgia vehicle, it’s great. Basically Michae does one of his deep dives into 90’s stuff. I figure some of you Gen-X dudes here who remember Olestra and Snackwells and whatnot would enjoy it.

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MaxFun just went full communist:


Amazing story on this. Jesse Thorn is a straight-up cool dude.

The McElroys own a business now, WTF

I wasn’t familiar with this podcast, but, interesting story from two women who the Obama podbros (Crooked) signed to bring on their climate podcast, and then fucked them by cancelling it and deleting their feed from the interwebz


I listened to this podcast before and after it went over to Crooked. I was listening to another Amy Westervelt climate podcast called Drilled (still in production, really good) and found it through there. The quality was about the same, but I did notice that it wasn’t being promoted on other Crooked shows after the first month or so, and that climate takes on those other shows were as terrible as ever (at least, through end of last year, when I finally got rid of them all).

Hot Take never really seemed to fit, and it was obvious as time went on that Crooked acquired it just to be able to point to it and say they were working the climate beat without putting in any actual work or money. The whole NDA deal is really scummy.

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5-4 episode on Bob McDonnell was way more hilarious than I expected. I was living in the area when he was governor, really had no idea how white trashy his whole deal was.

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Yeah, incredibly puzzling how that one ended up 9-0. I liked their thought that even for the liberal justices this is the crowd/class of people that they feel most comfortable with.

A lobbyist for a tobacco herbal supplement scam company was buying him Rolexes and boning his wife, amazing.

Sam Altman is on Kara Swisher’s pod. I’m only a few minutes through it and he’s already made one of his superaloof altmanisms

KS: GPT-4 still has these things you call “hallucinations”

SA: well what should we call them?

KS: mistakes.

then he fillibusters with this weird “we’re trying to use terminology that refers to tools rather than creatures” bit, which seems completely the opposite of calling these things “hallucinations” rather than “mistakes”. Dude is basically rain man, he’s great if you need to count spilled toothpicks on the floor but if you need to know how much a candy bar costs he’s totally fucking useless.

(the last interview I heard with altman was on ezra klein’s podcast, he made some similarly dumb statements as noted on UP Podcast Thread - #1547 by pvn - Politics & News - Unstuck Politics Forum )

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some other sama baloney

“the worst screenshot you see on twitter isn’t representative of these things” sounds a lot like Tucker Carlson showing edited J6 footage and saying “see they weren’t really a violent mob this is just a granny walking around!”

some great armchair quarterbacking on SVB

overall total waste of time

New IBCK today: Hillbilly Elegy :vince:

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I almost did a rare double-double-take when Amy Chua made a surprise guest appearance and then we learn that Prof. Chua got into trouble for partying with undergrads at Yale?!? I’m ten minutes in, this episode bangs. It’s like somehow they constructed a teaser for the inevitable Tiger Mom episode of this podcast.

Adnan going back to jail for the dumbest reason:

So they need to…redo the hearing? But until then the conviction is in place again? lol

Seeing the episode notification on my phone I was like “oh, funny, I guess there’s a journalist also named Amanda Knox, that must make for fun shenanigans in her life” but apparently no it’s actually that Amanda Knox

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Fuck I’ve gone this whole time not knowing anything about Amanda Knox and know I have to learn about it.


Real Talk: Is this episode going to interfere with the lowkey crush we all have on Sarah Marshall? Should I just pass?

Ah man, end of an era as IDEOAT closes shop. Eight years of a hilarious, completely indie podcast. Not an April Fool’s joke, they just picked the worst day to drop the news.

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This. I enjoyed IDEOTV but their later episodes weren’t even that good. It felt like they weren’t really into it anymore and it has become a chore to them. It’s regrettable but they had a good run.

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