Podcast thread

You guys, the Weird Medieval Guys podcast is very good.

latest Why Is This Happening is unintentionally hilarious, Chris Hayes has his wife on along with the other Strict Scrutiny podcasters, they spend the whole time showing that the law is a fucking joke but they all are sure to occasionally remind the listeners that the law is real and holy and sacred and is absolutely not calvinball despite everything they are discussing

I listened to this ep as well and didn’t totally get that vibe? I may not have been paying close enough attention.

One of them even explicitly said something like “no no, the law is REAL”

Right after they finished explaining how alito pulled the “major question doctrine” out of his asshole

I think Paul Graham is a fucking 100-IQ at-best dipshit and probably the most overrated shithead out of the current pile of VCs, this interview really made him look like a normal moron at times and wow there was some really wild dogwhistling

I ain’t gonna listen to this but what’s the dogwhistling?

Oh they were talking about how low UK’s per capita GDP is relative to the US, and Paul G was like “so much untapped potential, they have a gear they haven’t shifted into,” and Cowan observes that the UK’s per capita GDP aid about the same as Mississippi, and Paul G said something about how they’re maxed out.

It really is surprising to me how the ROW underestimates the american economic machine. Sure our GDP isn’t fairly distributed, but the only countries ahead of us are either super small (Switzerland for example) or dependent on some natural resource (Norway, Qatar). Ain’t nobody works on the scale America does since WW2.

Ah, that’s in the transcript:

Right below this is his take on San Francisco which is exactly what you would expect from an idiot VC:

It’s the crazy left-wingers of course! Just absolute tourist shit here, where the guy’s opinions on when SF was and wasn’t a great city are directly proportional to how much media coverage about it has shown up in his Twitter feed and not based on spending real time there.

Oh yeah I forgot about that part

Graham also seems to ascribe to a “Great Man Theory/Fallacy” viewpoint as well, i.e., San Fran was good because of Ed Lee, MS was good because of Bill Gates, etc. Probably because he wants to think of himself as a “Great Man.”


The firsthand account from a survivor of the Maui fire is one of the most harrowing things I’ve ever heard.

Really, this podcast is pretty great if you’re a history nerd.


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the ads for this podcast are putting me on supermonkeytilt

New You’re Wrong About patron-only episode: Michael Hobbes reunion to talk about the qanon child trafficking movie (Sound of Freedom) :vince:

Today’s IBCK: William F. Buckley’s God and Man at Yale. Very funny to hear how the book that launched the father of mainstream conservatism to stardom was a manifesto complaining about all the times at Yale his faculty expressed insufficient commitment to holding the same views as him!

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The latest Unclear and Present Danger episode is pretty top notch and includes a shocker, jabouie agrees with Ben Shapiro on a particular topic.

Unrelated, I’m catching up on the Omnibus. Ack catalog and an in the Vinegar Valentines episode John Roderick makes a reference to online dipshits being mean and offers “telling you that you’re a bad parent” as an example, and I was reminded of that time not too long ago when Ken Jennings was almost canceled because his podcast co-host told his kid “figure it out yourself”

Today’s IBCK is a patron-only You’re Wrong About-style revisiting of the Hillary email scandal. I did not know until now (but am not surprised, obviously) how incredibly irresponsible the New York Times was with their reporting on this, and how much legwork they did to force a boring non-story to become a national political scandal that eventually handed (as many factors did, in an election that close) the presidency to Donald Trump.