Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

I mean, there are “criminally negligent homicide” statutes, sure. I’ll admit I’m no expert in maritime law, but captains going to jail for simple civil negligence seems unlikely.

Looked it up, 46 USC 2302, it requires operation a vehicle in a “grossly negligent manner” for criminal liability to attach.

like im not even gonna argue about this im not wrong lol

maritime law much of it is over 100 years old and it isnt forgiving. you have to swear an oath and shit.

probably a reason there are very very few boat catastrophes and very very many. “oh whoops I killed a patient my bad” from Doctors.

This does show that you are wrong though. That wasn’t just some mistake, that was gross negligence.

I saw 3 pts per hour today, normal is 1.5, with 5 of them being critical. According to you, if I clicked a wrong button that would be gross negligence. That’s not a reasonable position

Huh your analogy is bizarre on so many levels. The most notable being that boating/shipping is a voluntary recreational/economic activity. So of course you would expect society to expect very little death compared to healthcare where you are caring for people who nature is actively trying to kill.

Secondly your boat fire example seems intentionally didn’t comply with coast guard regulations to increase profitability and the whole article was about fact that even given the obvious wrongdoing seems it’s been a challenge to hold anyone accountable legally

That’s not what they did. What they did was fuck up the writing of an order and then 3 people missed it. Which is less improbable than it would initially appear when you realize how many times this action is happening in a day/career.

Sounds…. Pretty criminal to me? I don’t know what the analog would be for a doctor, but I don’t think it’s misclicking a prescription. I guess if a doctor was in the middle of treating someone who was unconscious in his ER with a nurse, and a fire broke out, and the doctor was like “fuck this guy, lets get out of here,” and then just left the dude to die in the fire, he’d probably get charged with something too.

Edit: And also the doctor was the hospital manager, and he didn’t bother to follow code and make sure the hospital had a sprinkler system. That boat story you linked seems pretty egregious.

Lol a big fire breaks out and I’m out


Feel like this person doesn’t have much of an in the trenches view on mental health.

Like this take is just silliness, people don’t develop severe and persistent mental illness like schizophrenia because they happened to become homeless due to not being able to afford a house

All this to say the conclusion of housing first is right

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There’s also very different kinds of homeless. Having actually been homeless a few times doesn’t mean I can really speak to the experience of a chronically homeless disabled person. Homeless stats would have counted me temporarily crashing in my car as a teenager the same as someone who was going to need infinitely more resources to not be homeless anymore.

But yes the housing problem is absolutely a core contributor to our capitalist hellscape being a hellscape. Speaking as someone who has (very briefly) been homeless and (very briefly) been in jail, jail is only 25% worse IME lol.

Yeah this is always a big distinction I don’t see much. Like it’s genuinely difficult to become chronically homeless on the street (which is what is visible to society) if you have not significantly burned bridges or are chronically mentally ill or suffering with addiction. I see folks who become homeless purely for economic reasons quickly remedy generally within 2-3 months by making good use of transitional housing, saving up for bus ticket to live with their uncles ex-girlfriend/etc. Humans are pack animals, unless you’re a recent immigrant it is tough to not be able to find someone to take you in if you’re going to behave reasonably.

I’m kinda free associating here, didn’t mean to come off so miserly about the article. Just seems anyone who ever claims a simple solution to homeless is brushing away a lot of complexity

He’s not wrong factually about anything, it’s just that you typically find the solution to the thing you’re measuring and the thing he’s measuring is the total # of homeless people. And yes the best way to make that number go down is to make housing affordable.

But that doesn’t mean his proposed solution would be a silver bullet that would prevent me from having to see/hear/smell homeless people every time I go somewhere. I don’t see it as a particularly large problem because I’m medium large and am not living in a fairy tale reality that needs to be bubble wrapped for my mental health. My mental health will suck whether or not I see less lucky people living under bridges every time I get in my car.

I think he is wrong about stuff, especially when trying to be smug.

“ Or to put it another way, while 33% of the homeless population suffers from mental illness, nearly 100% of the homeless population can’t afford housing. 100% is a much bigger number than 33%.”

The third of homeless folks with severe and persistent mental illness generally easily qualify for disability/Medicaid waivers to live a residential care facility so easily afford housing that includes housing/3 meals/all medications but many choose against that housing. Granted I do say “qualify” so it does take an agency to be proactive in helping these folks with the paperwork.

But you just proved the author’s point in this paragraph. the fix for these people is someone providing them shelter for a few months so they can get back on their feet.

maybe the chronically homeless is a different case, even the author brought that up. I think the people you see on the street are probably more likely to have substance abuse or mental illness than the other kinds of homelessness, which I like BS have also been through - gym membership for showering and sleeping on people’s couches or in my car and just enough to get by for food and gas to work. lots of people live like that. in this country it’s very easy to work yourself into poverty. At one point I made $800 a month and my rent was $700 and it was just fiscally easier to be homeless for a while and actually eat food.

It seems you are addressing the smarmimess of the article rather than its substance. I would agree, he is a little blunt, but people have all these insane solutions to homelessness that will never ever fix the problem, particularly in CA.

I think I’ve said before on here that we can’t fix homelessness by simply building houses in CA, because the underlying property is far too valuable to developers. until the cost of land goes down, as rents continue to increase, CA will have a homelessness issue.

They did a good thing with the rent raise cap. That means at least people don’t get priced out of their homes anymore if they want to stay in them. CA is also a very landlord friendly state, despite what people would have you believe otherwise.

While homelessness can’t cause schizophrenia, the diathesis-stress model suggests that severe stress can lead to the development of schizophrenia for individuals with genetic risk factors. Or has the diathesis-stress model itself been supplanted?

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oh and you’d be surprised how hard it is to lease an apartment these days. I had to show a 750 credit score and 6 months of living expenses and I dont even live in a nice neighborhood.