Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

The Judiciary committee was 11-10 and is now 10-10.

Yeah but they can replace her now that she’s dead.

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There was talk about not being able to replace her on the committee if she resigned.

Assuming that’s correct (and I don’t know that it is), why would her being dead be any different?

I just assume the Dems were completely unprepared for this.

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Having everyone be healthier, stronger, and smarter is better for the whole of society. Having the offspring of the top 10-15% be healthier, stronger, and smarter is awful for the bottom 85% to 90%.

So they’ll get an even bigger chunk of the pie.

Be even less interested in subsidizing healthcare for everyone else.

And kill even more jobs for the working class.

You’re making an awful lot of assumptions here I think. No one knows how far this tech is away, what the laws will be behind it, and I strongly doubt it will create “superhumans” but striving to have more healthy people born to people who want them and can care for them is probably going to become increasingly important in a society where having a child is guaranteeing either an early death or working until you’re 90.

I think of so many people with a desire to have loving healthy families that can’t have kids, I think it would be a very positive thing for people who want to reproduce but cannot to do so.

Sorry can’t watch ultrasounds like here. Nothing where sex can be determined. They get them it’s just not the spectator sport. Apologies on lack of detail.

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I think it was the opposite. They couldn’t remove her against her will.

That makes more sense, although honestly, I don’t know that your average Joe could watch an ultrasound and figure out the gender anyway…. I certainly couldn’t tell from the ultrasound pictures we got.

It’s all theoretical but it is really a luddite perspective you’re espousing here.

Obviously more productive people are creating a bigger pie, what size chunk of it they get is really up to politics. Those kids of the wealthy and influential are going to have shortcuts to wealth and influence regardless of their genetics.

The rest of your points would also apply equally to blocking highly educated immigrants like top scientists, software developers, and doctors migrating to a country, but that sort of immigration is always seen (correctly) as a big economic positive for the local population.

I knew my grandkids faces before they were born. Massively different than 30 years ago.

Societal issues aside not going to lie makes me a little nervous that we been evolving for however many years and then potentially radically remake wolds genetic makeup over like 100 years or something.

I mean obviously would be great for cystic fibrosis to not exist anymore, so I’m not saying Im a slam dunk NO but does feel like a pretty big potential fuck around and find out scenario if everyone making their children as if it’s a video game character creation screen.

I mean, my youngest is 4 years old, I’m not that old lol. I still couldn’t correctly identify her reproductive parts on the ultrasounds.

You were probably seeing the normal medical 2D images which going to be tough while moving for someone who doesn’t know what looking for until they take a freeze frame and put an arrow on it. But lot of places now will also flip to a 3D mode that (as far as I know) is just for fun for the parents to “see” their baby and send to grandparents/etc

It’s not a luddite perspective, it’s a “this being totally unregulated (which it will obviously be) is a terrible thing.”

AI also is a new technology that is a massive threat to society. It also has upside. I think it’s more likely most people experience the downside than the upside.

This is less about shortcuts and more about absolutely granting them an automatic placement pretty high up in the workforce/power structure. Like the kids of the wealthy can go to the best schools and have the best connections and still be dipshit failsons. If you genetically make them significantly smarter, faster, stronger, etc, it’s gonna be almost impossible to fuck it up.

Also, someone born poor who works their ass off at least has a fighting chance in the competitive marketplace, even against someone with a big head start. This scientific advance sounds like it could create a gap too big to catch up and close.


All kinds of unintended things happen during fairly simple DNA manipulations of bacteria and yeast. We screen out the things that aren’t positive. Of course with a kid, it might show up too late.

@Jman220 wtf went on here, someone can really just sign themselves into a conservatorship without any incapacity being determined??

The papers requested that the conservators “have total control over Michael Oher’s ability to negotiate for or enter any contract, despite the fact he was over 18 years of age and had no diagnosed physical or psychological disabilities,” the petition states.

Fuck if I know, Tennessee law appears pretty fucked up.

wow, not only leaving NAR, but forcing all their realtors to as well.

Good - pure rent seeking bullshit

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