Programming or How to Exit Vi Without Rebooting

Should have posted in .webp format for maximum :leolol: .

Bram Moolenaar, creator and BDFL of vim for the last bazillion years has died.

He was one of the good ones. Spent nearly all of his free time developing this tool that to me is maybe the one piece of software on earth I’d say I can’t live without. I’ve been chewed out for building vim into my docker images before.

Not only that he didn’t make a dime from it and all donations went to various charities he chose. What a loss.


hashicorp just released a feature I pioneered for one of their enterprise products and contributed heavily to oss projects around it, it’s like nearly word for word what I did and I can see some of my old conventions in their docs about it.

Kind of insane to see and idk how to feel about it, a mixture of pride and anger, since it violates to me the spirit of OSS. had i known they were gonna turn around and sell it I would’ve done that myself.


hashicorp is also relicensing all of their “open” stuff to some new license that is not really open source, it’s pretty scummy and they’re lighting a lot of community goodwill on fire

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this, THIS shit is why all the savvy people I know are begging people to get off google cloud. You absolutely cannot trust this company with a long term investment for your business:

Squarespace recently announced that it entered into an agreement to purchase all domain name registrations and related customer accounts from Google Domains. As a valued customer we wanted to make you aware of the following important information.
What happens now?
There is nothing you need to do at this time. Your domain will continue to operate and be managed by Google until it is time to move to Squarespace. That won’t happen until after the transaction closes and the migration process begins, which will likely take place over the next few months.
What happens next?
All customers will be moved to Squarespace Domains in the coming months. You will be notified once your domain has moved. Squarespace Domains is an independent domain registrar service provided by Squarespace.
Squarespace has publicly committed to continue to utilize Google Cloud DNS infrastructure, meaning reliability and performance regarding DNS will remain unchanged during the migration.
The purchase is currently subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions. Upon the closing of the transaction, your domain account will be owned by Squarespace but you will continue to manage your domain(s) via Google Domains as you do today, with Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service continuing to apply.
Learn more about Squarespace’s plan for domains here.
Squarespace and Google are committed to a seamless transition. For a limited period of time post-close until your account is migrated to Squarespace, your account will be managed by Squarespace utilizing Google’s infrastructure. After this migration period Squarespace will be solely responsible for providing domain services to you. During the migration period after the closing of the transaction, your customer and, if applicable, billing information will be migrated to Squarespace. Upon migration – which will be at least 30 days from today – your data will be governed by Squarespace’s Privacy Policy and Squarespace’s Terms of Service will apply. Additionally, if you have a Google Workspace subscription billed by Google Domains, billing and support services for such subscription will be transitioned to Squarespace. Following closing of the transaction, you will receive instructions from Squarespace on how to manage your domain(s) via a Squarespace account (including DNS, WHOIS, and renewal settings).
You will continue to have the ability to transfer your domain(s) to another registrar prior to such migration or at any time thereafter.
In the meantime, if you need help with anything related to your domain please contact us. You can also learn more about Squarespace here.

I can’t fathom what a pain in the ass this will be for some people.

Only a few MONTHS heads up notice? holy fuck. Domain registrar is something you usually just assume rarely if ever changes.

eta: omg i didnt read closely. it says within 30 days of this email LOL. These guys are such fucking assholes man.

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Good article that likens sharing information with recruiters to talking to the police:


can’t talk about recruiters without going into a frothing rage

I don’t know what evil I have lately done for youtube to spam me with monad content but this one is funny


FFFFFUUUUUUU configuration boxes with no indication there are more options off screen!

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I know this isn’t nice but my linkedin is a screed of neverending sob story looking for work posts from tech recruiters and inject it into my fucking veins holy shit i cant stop

this job data is odd - I said very early on that the tech hiring “downturn” was just a bunch of idiots copycatting the big companies who way overhired for years to try to gobble up all the competition’s talent. Actual unemployment barely moved at all and is extraordinarily low, below 2%, which is basically just friction, I dont think it’s possible to go lower than that. I’ve not heard a single talented engineer struggling to find work in the last year - but man recruiters seem to be getting slaughtered.

I have noticed a downward trend in salaries which is a bit ridiculous when combined with inflation, but I trust that it will recover when people realize talent is still exceedingly rare in tech. demand and need for tech will always go up unless there’s a societal collapse. I just don’t see any way that isn’t true. I had people actually telling me with a straight face I chose the wrong career and AI would replace me within a year. lol.

26 minutes and still waiting for a page to come back so I can test it. Makes me think someone was fibbing when they said they had tested this shit on large accounts…

someone opened an issue in github for one of our open source projects that literally said “Tell the [project] developers to get their shit together” yeah that’s going to go over well (tbf he claims he’s just relaying what his boss said).

btw this is NOT someone that we have any commercial relationship with at all, never heard of this guy and he didn’t mention any particular company that he works for

Mock up a Jira ticket to get your shit together and send it back to him…

looks like we’re implementing a CoC which is probably past due anyway

Going through the complaint against solarwinds by the SEC it is far, far worse than I even imagined. Looks like they knew about the risk for years, lied about it repeatedly, and detected the intrusion long before they disclosed it, among a ton of other shockingly bad security practices they also lied about. We’re going to be feeling the effects of that attack for a long time.

The craziest part of all of this is the VP that was largely responsible for all of this and is the target of the SEC now not only didn’t get fired, but got promoted to CISO.

people wonder why there’s so many breaches, it’s this utterly corrupt shit.

I knew it would have to be bad to result in actual charges, like I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a software exec being charged by the SEC for stuff like this, but yeah, it’s REALLY bad

and check this out, just a few months ago:

(I assume “globee cybersecurity awards” are one of those “pay us $X for this award” marketing bullshit thing, never heard of them)

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The CISO position is not actually about actual security in 99.9% of roles. They’re glorified paper pushers whose sole job is to get stuff through regulatory audits etc.

However as VP during this incident he was likely far more hands on.

allowing non-company owned personal devices access to corporate/infra VPN is completely wild too. I was wondering how that even happened for such a large company, now it’s making sense.

I’ve been trying to start a security consulting gig, but have become so disillusioned with the industry and companies that try to purchase consulting. so often it’s “how do we pass audits while doing the least actual work,” not “how can we reduce our security risks.” almost no one asks #2, so these types of ciso roles are filled with complete charlatans.

for instance - lots of audits require “hire a pen tester” as a step in the process. often these pen testing companies charge exorbitant sums for rubber stamping this requirement and often they do barely more than a port scan with netcat and call it a day.

Hard to spend money on security. Mostly it inconveniences the employees and only becomes visible when it fails.

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