Programming or How to Exit Vi Without Rebooting

A place to talk about dev and dev adjacent work and tips and tools to make it suck less.

Interesting stuff I’ve found recently:
Warp - Modern console only missing blockchain to win buzz word bingo. A library of Workflows makes re-entering long 1 liners very easy. May be worth a look if you aren’t heavily invested in how your current terminal program does things.

Obsidian - Notetaking app which uses markdown and backlinks to create mind map out of your notes. Hoping it will be easier to find things in it than the handwritten notebooks I had been using.

Rectangle - A windows manager for Mac making it easy to move and resize windows, I’m hoping it will make recovering from how the Mac shuffles windows in a multi-monitor setup when you put the machine to sleep.


Oh, in No Shit Sherlock news, I got an M1 Mac Pro at work and using the same programs (MakeMKV and Handbreak) it takes less than an hour to rip a DVD and downscale it for Apple devices compared to 5 or 6 hours on my aging 2015 iMac. Looks like I’m getting a new mac this year…

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When Mac adds the equivalent of the snipping tool without having to hit cmd + ctrl + f4 + omgwtfbbq and then go on a wild goose chase finding the resulting screenshot file, I won’t whine about it as a work station.

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I use Shottr on Mac for this, it rules.

Screenshot is the new built in snipping tool. Command + Space and enter Screenshot. Lets you choose where the screenshot goes and if there is a delay before it happens, then click and drag around the area you want to capture and it goes where you told it, very easy to have it put it in the clipboard for pasting into a post.

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How to Exit Vi Without Rebooting

Is problem, my office workstation (spontaneously?) rebooted yesterday and I’m still not totally sure why. Subscribed!

I got one of the new Macbooks in…late 2021? (after previously being pure PC at home) and I’ve been really impressed with the battery life - usually I’m plugged in but for the last week I’ve been roaming to various couches for dev stuff, watching YouTube videos, playing Kerbal Space Program, particularly the latter I would think would drain the battery pretty hard but it holds up incredibly well.


Motherfuckers complaining about 1400 kWh error out of 476,000 kWh usage… FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU!

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I like Greenshot because if I right-click or click the Start Button (windows), most other programs close them if you don’t make a selection. Greenshot leaves them open, and records the mouse position, so I can send dummy-proof screenshots for the biggest Luddites in my life.

That sounds better than delaying x seconds and suddenly having performance anxiety to get the tool tip window open before the timer goes off.

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Jpeg instruction

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Speaking of goofs at utilities…

Somebody having trouble with their string formats?


formatting a string ain’t nobody got time for that

Ordered an M2 Pro Mac Mini today, time to replace the 2015 iMac… We’ll see if it is fast enough to edit my keychain.


any tips for pair programming interviews? I hate them. my process isn’t “normal” or something that comes off well in this setting. I have anxiety. Just avoid these jobs?

get better at them. pair programming is very useful

How I program does not translate well to an interview setting. I pace while I think, program some stuff in a big hurry, google random stuff, sketch it out on whiteboard, etc.

anyone using iOS for significant coding?

I went on a personal trip last weekend and it was the first time I can remember traveling without my laptop. I took the ipad and a magic keyboard, and I’ve been using ish shell a lot lately which is pretty decent (it’s not really a terminal emulator, it’s actually a vm that runs an alpine linux instance, it’s not super fast but it doesn’t really need to be) but I’m kinda curious what people are using for a straight text editor (e.g. someone emails me a yaml file and I need to make a couple of tweaks to it and send it back to them)

I think the dream scenario here is apple-silicon ipad + native Arm64 docker + alpine + mosh + tmux.

Docker running native on M2 ipad seems like a killer app but idk

I used a shell like this when I was on call sometimes. My non-mobile setup is windows using WSL2 as my cheap “VM” and then I have an actual VM in cloud I use sometimes if needed. For text editing I vastly prefer vim, although as I type this I realize of course that would not work on mobile, at least I do not think it would.

if I had to edit a quick yaml on my phone I’d be tempted to get lazy and use sed.

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