RIP Thread: Burn in Hell Lou Dobbs

c ya

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rest in piss


my favorite ā€œdianne being a dumbassā€ story

May her memory be a blessing. Stop being ghouls.


This was kind of my thought as well. She way overstayed her time and that blemished her record, but she was a trailblazer and a good senator (for the times) for a huge number of years.


sorry, she did nothing for the people of california and stubbornly held onto her position for far far longer than was reasonable or sane, causing far more harm than whatever good she may have done in her career.

The Feinstein who did those things died years ago, and I will celebrate the fact that shell of her remains is no longer in the senate preventing newcomers from their own achievements.


yeah DiFi was a trailblazer, nobody wants to take what she did in the 1870s away from her, she just should have resigned 120 years ago

Iā€™m pretty sure that upon learning she was dead, her staff, totally unphased, tried to roll her corpse into work.

Which trail did she blaze? Opening the door for women to serve as puppets to corporate masters? Yeah we really needed that Cinema factory thanks.

I think in many situations, it is the people around her who should take more of the blame for someone staying past their time. Itā€™s basically a certainty that the advisors around her kept pushing her to stay in power and that she still was the best person for the job, because they lose all of their own personal power and influence if she retires.


Meh, she obviously should have retired forever ago, but big picture I donā€™t think if she did there would be any material difference in politics or outcomes for the state or the country. The one who deserves merciless, eternal posthumous condemnation for not retiring is RBG, who cost more things than Iā€™d care to count.

Was watching a movie from like 1984 the other day and almost did a double-take when they mentioned Mayor Feinstein, like damn she was old.

Not really the way folks want stuff to be these days, but as with most there was good and bad. I salute the good and commodusthumbsdown the bad.

IMO this is why we should be rustled at her handlers not her, she probably didnā€™t have the mental capacity to buy a car let alone be a senator for awhile and I donā€™t think you can hold that against the incapacitated person

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The one for Kate Porter, obv.

I donā€™t know, I have mixed feelings. If we have this kind response to people who overstay, whatā€™s the downside to the power hungry octogenarians who want to overstay? I mean, the media for the most part carried water for DiFi when she was of diminishing cognitive abilities, and she was far from a progressive later in her tenure.

I was a huge fan of RBG, but she overstayed, and women in this country are suffering partly as a result of that decision. The establishment Dems keep these ancient people in power, and even handpick ancient people for the highest power (Biden), and largely itā€™s to the detriment of most Americans.

Yes, Feinstein was a trailblazer in many ways, but one of those ways was blazing a trail for 90 year olds to cling to power when they literally cannot cognitively carry out the duties of the office on their own.

I think youā€™re joking, but just in case, there was a report that Pelosiā€™s daughter was helping keep Feinstein in power to help pave the way for Schiff to win the race for her seat.