RIP Thread: Burn in Hell Lou Dobbs


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lol finally!

We’re all hoping you can post it again soon.



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I need a good trivia team name for tomorrow based on this wonderful news. Any ideas?

As an aside was wondering how much of a household name was Kissinger when he was actually in administrations?

Like nowadays probably 5% of people could name national security advisor or even Secretary of State. Was it the same for him or was he already some sort of celebrity at that time?

Kissinger’s Rotting Corpse seems to get right to it.


Not just the headline!

Measuring purely by confirmed kills, the worst mass murderer ever executed by the United States was the white supremacist terrorist Timothy McVeigh. On April 19, 1995, McVeigh detonated a massive bomb at the Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, including 19 children. The government killed McVeigh by lethal injection in June 2001. Whatever hesitation a state execution provokes, even over a man such as McVeigh — necessary questions about the legitimacy of killing even an unrepentant soldier of white supremacy — his death provided a measure of closure to the mother of one of his victims. “It’s a period at the end of a sentence,” said Kathleen Treanor, whose 4-year old McVeigh killed.

McVeigh, who in his own psychotic way thought he was saving America, never remotely killed on the scale of Kissinger, the most revered American grand strategist of the second half of the 20th century.

It’s always valuable to hear the reverent tones with which American elites speak of their monsters. When the Kissingers of the world pass, their humanity, their purpose, their sacrifices are foremost in the minds of the respectable. American elites recoiled in disgust when Iranians in great numbers took to the streets to honor one of their monsters, Qassem Soleimani, after a U.S. drone strike executed the Iranian external-security chief in January 2020. Soleimani, whom the United States declared to be a terrorist and killed as such, killed far more people than Timothy McVeigh. But even if we attribute to him all the deaths in the Syrian Civil War, never in Soleimani’s wildest dreams could he kill as many people as Henry Kissinger.

I’m only like halfway through, this is long and meaty.

El Generalissimo Henry Kissinger is Dead

If anyone wants to tally some :catjam: reactions to their posts, I will be doling them out like angel wings in It’s a Wonderful Life ITT.

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Maybe I’m kinda sleepy but felt like article kinda contradicted its own theme on his origins if you will.

Like first half seemed to be pointing to him being uniquely bad and criticized trying to look at the broader influences then towards end made it sound like he was just an inevitable replaceable product of capitalism so if not him would have been something almost identical



The Line to Piss on Kissinger’s Grave Starts Here


Feel like this exact dialogue has probably happened with Trump
“ When the media seized upon the U.S. massacre at My Lai, Nixon remarked, “It’s those dirty rotten Jews from New York who are behind it.” Nixon’s White House counsel, John Erlichman, recalled Nixon talking about “Jewish traitors” in front of Kissinger, including “Jews at Harvard.” Kissinger would assure the boss he was one of the good ones. “Well, Mr. President,” Erlichman quoted him responding, “there are Jews and Jews .”

dumb. at least you can say kissinger probably wasn’t motivated entirely by moronic level 0 self interest. no one could describe him as a stupid man.

lincoln also trampled all over the constitution and did blatant tyrant shit but no one would really seriously dispute what he did. It’s not a really big insult and the rest of the non-highlighted text would give trump way too much credit.

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Lower Combined Body Count Than Kissinger
Kicking Kissinger Out of Hell
Sometimes Trampling on Democratic Values
Diplomats of Death
War Criminals Beloved by America’s Ruling Class
Finally Reaping Kissinger’s Soul

I’m beginning to think wookie does not like kissinger

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