RIP Thread: Burn in Hell Lou Dobbs

I’m convinced this was an expert troll by CN

So is Rupert our #1 why won’t he die with Rush and Henry rotting in Hell?

There’s always Trump

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He doesn’t seem imminent as cancer Rush and 90+ Henry.

Donnie could kick it at any time but does not seem like he’s riding shotgunwith the Reaper


Former U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, who personally denied health care for 10s of millions of Americans, has died.


"Up until the very end, Joe Lieberman enjoyed the high-quality, government-financed healthcare that he worked diligently to deny the rest of us. That’s his legacy

Joe Lieberman killed so many people when he killed the public option. Not to mention all the people he killed by cheerleading every war and every lie that led to war. A truly horrible person with a shameful legacy."



Went to the grave never completing his life’s work to find the real killer.

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Think they can find the original white Ford Bronco to lead the procession?

In fairness perhaps he can rest easier knowing that Nicole and Ron’s killer is dead.

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Holy cow. What kind of crazy shit is coming out when DJT kicks it?

If you look at the other tweets on that account, I would not automatically assume this is a reliable source.

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yeah I was thinking this just from the bio

also the “I had to sign an NDA” thing didn’t make sense, the poster “had” to sign an NDA after the event in question?

Today I learned that there is apparently a widely held conspiracy theory that OJ’s son Jason was the real killer.

Wait what? Usually I know that kind of thing.

Basically the conspiracy is based on a lot of things, listing some of them below(these are all potentially extremely untrue as is common with conspiracy theories, so don’t take these as facts):

-Jason had hired a lawyer the day after the murders, before OJ was even labeled officially as a suspect

-Jason’s alibi is suspect but was never looked into at the time because he wasn’t ever considered a suspect

-Jason had a history of violence, and a history of training with knives

-The murder weapon was never officially found, but a knife matching the description was found years later in a storage unit Jason owned when it was sold at auction

-The hat found that the murderer wore had dog hair on it. OJ didn’t own a dog, but Jason did.

-If you believe that the gloves truly didn’t fit OJ, Jason supposedly had the same gloves in a smaller size

-Ron Goldman was a black belt and his fists had bruising that indicated there had been a fight with the murderer prior to him being killed. When the police examined OJ, he had no signs of bruising.

Basically the overall theory is that OJ learned that Jason killed them and brought suspicion on to himself to protect his son.

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Hmmm, seems not particularly likely given OJ beat the shit out of his wife for years multiple times and the dna testing.

You’d be surprised how hard it is to see bruises sometimes, especially in people with darker skin tones.

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Yeah, I definitely still think OJ did it. I had just never even heard of that conspiracy theory until today. So went down a short rabbit hole to see what people were basing this on.

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