Space Stuff

Wokeness strikes again. Even a Canadian smh.


Actually shocked to see the ages of these astronauts. They’re all ~45 but look 35. Maybe they’re genetically engineered human/alien cyborgs.


time passes differently in space!

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I didnt hear about this artemis mission til today. apparently it’s from the trump era - he mandated we go back to the moon, which is what made me look up “why?”

artemis website doesn’t give me much. apparently they told trump it was possible by 2028 but he told them by 2024. lol. what could go wrong?

Because boomers’ best memories are of when this nation was great during the space race

yea, I guess the long term goal is to set up a space station in lunar orbit, but like, I really fail to see the benefits of this and a cursory search says I’m not alone. fwiw I also disagree with manned mars missions having any purpose too.

seems like lighting 100+ billion $ on fire.

Sucks that I’ve been forced to stan a lol Elon position, but imo exploring and traversing through the universe is one of the only things that humankind can do that has the potential to secure the future of the species. Certainly you can debate the best use of the $, but I’d rather spend 100+ billion on science and space exploration than on droning brown people. Obviously you can do multiple different good things with the money (though we’ll definitely keep doing the droning, sadly).

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I was the same way but changed my mind. i struggle to see how mars is going to be a more successful environment for the survival of human species compared to even the worst apocalyptic climate change predictions on earth. seems like any mars outpost would be inherently reliant on life on earth being sustainable, so meh

also dont think humanity is worth saving but that’s a me thing

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i think big goals like space stations create enough basic science that translates into many comforts on earth, but i do understand the expense for human travel is orders of magnitude more than cube-sat or drone missions. if the choice is between sending one man into moon orbit, vs 10 satellites to the moon, mars, and venus each, might as well do the latter.

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Yeah, I think PR is an enormous reason why they’re insisting on crewed missions.

Good opportunity to bump this post from before this thread was started:

+1 for “satellites good, humans not so much”

I agree that human colonization of Mars isn’t really a super great idea currently, at least without some significant lolterraforming. But, the lessons learned from ferrying humans safely through deep space and answering some of the requisite life support and habitation issues in order to survive somewhere like Mars would be pretty useful to continue toward making the needed technological leaps required to get us someplace actually decent.

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I’m not sure how well-known this letter is, but in 1970 some NASA dude wrote to an African nun who wanted to know why we were doing space exploration instead of feeding starving children.


We need to get good at space because that’s where the resources are going to be when we start running out of them here. A good engine that allows for constant thrust opens the door to retrieving astroids and towing them someplace we can make use of them.

This is what makes Starship such a game changer for spaceflight: you don’t have to choose between humans or probes when you can just do both instead.

They’re going to send humans to the moon using a tiny ass Orion capsule:

That’s going to dock with a lunar Starship and then the Starship is going to descend to the lunar surface:

Look at all the room inside Starship that’s going to be left over after its 4 person crew transfers over.

Switching from throwing away the majority of a rocket every launch to throwing away nothing is going to drastically increase how much we’re able to put into orbit and beyond.

I know spaceX kinda it’s own self running competent company but still hard for me to trust any sort of future product function predictions from anything associated with musk lol

If they’ve figured out how to get around the rocket equation and can put all that into orbit cheaply I’ll still think Musk is an idiot but at least we’ll have a cheap way to put stuff into orbit.

ESA did a livestream from Mars today, kinda neat.


More like a 17-minute-delayed-stream amirite? :leolol:


No idea how credible or likely this is, but enjoy: