Stocks Thread (A/K/A STONKS THREAD)

And since they really haven’t… and there are major storms brewing in the artificially low cost structures of many major corporations…

Yeah I’m holding 100% equities but I’m not at all in love with it. I’m super happy I at least bought a bunch of stuff that seemed like rising labor costs shouldn’t harm too terribly much. Like sure the labor cost could triple, but if it did the company would be fine and probably still be undervalued.

That describes pretty much every company I’ve bought in the last couple of years.

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What all are you buying? Can only help you now if the secret gets out haha

So the oldest position I have that I still add to and treat like the rest of you treat an index fund is Berkshire Hathaway. Roughly 75% of my portfolio is in that one stock so it’s probably worth starting there and getting it out of the way.

Beyond that it’s a mixture of cash recently a few bonds. The names in the more speculative slice of the portfolio right now are MRNA, HMC, KT, and MBUU.

HMC and KT are both mostly about not being entirely long the US.

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Risk free rate goes up → present value of future cash flows goes down → Expected return on equities goes up

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I have a buddy who, as of March, had like 75% of his net worth - presumably mid six figures - in GME, AMC, and BBBY. I tried to talk him out of it, then I tried to talk him into cutting it back to like 25% of his net worth, but he said he was so confident in the trades that he wouldn’t consider pulling back at all.

Maybe he’s lucky and was mostly in GME and hasn’t lost his ass yet, and maybe seeing the others crash breaks the fever. Doubt it, though, unfortunately.

Read this too quickly and was like “General Motors doesn’t sound too bad.” Then I read it again. :harold:


I feel like I’d have more sympathy if… nah I wouldn’t I’m kidding. Nice to see a rich white asshole who stole a bunch of money from thousands of morons experiencing the penal system for a change.

Yeah, fuck this guy. If he was running a prison, he’d treat the inmates far worse.

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Seriously he would 100% know the exact legal ramifications of simply not feeding/clothing the prisoners as well as the potential cost savings in a spreadsheet by the end of his first week.

Nope, if we as a society are going to take people’s freedom away by putting them in prison, we have a responsibility to take care of them.

Well at least from a medical standpoint sounds the doctors there following the generally established practice not to be on a MAOI (selegeline) and a stimulant (adderall) at the same time.

My database flags that combination as an absolute contraindication so seems like something he probably strong armed some doctor into doing previously even though they knew shouldn’t

Cant you OD on selegeline pretty easily? MAOis suck

He is on a patch so would need to be intentional I think to really overdose.

Given all the depression options these days and associated hazards MAOI use super limited. Gotta think he was going for kinda a Silicon Valley better living through neuroscience performance enhancement approach than just a normal I’m depressed and have ADHD approach

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I’d given him a cheap SSRI and whatever food everyone else is eating. He doesn’t need stimulant medication to function in prison.

I wasn’t commenting on the details of his medical care (I didn’t even read the article).

I was responding more to the “great, fuck him” responses. Withholding appropriate medical care and refusing to supply adequate nutrition is not how our justice system should work.

In other words, inflicting suffering because a person is deemed “bad” is inhumane savagery and we should be better than that.

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I’m not saying he shouldn’t get medical care and all that, I’m just saying fuck this guy, I have zero sympathy for his plight. All of these “effective altruist” guys would turn our nation’s prisons into even worse hellholes than they already are if they had the chance.

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Follow up to this:

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In general yes. That being said things are very weird in the financial markets right now and sitting out on 8/29/2023 is unlikely to be very suboptimal. Certainly not terrible. The only reason I’m in is because I’m 38, have a 20+ year time horizon, and honestly just have to ride this out because taxes.

If your choices are a shitty deal on a financial product or a historically great deal on a different financial product it’s very rarely a terrible decision to go with the latter. 5% for risk free is a pretty good deal at any time in human history with <5% inflation. The stock market is not offering anything close to 5% or risk free if we’re being honest about where it is right now.

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