Stocks Thread (A/K/A STONKS THREAD)


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You really think he rim runs another ten years without falling off? He’s already made it way further than I thought he would lol. This is a world historic fish on a heater story. I feel like he’s played all of this so loose aggressive that if he ever loses his footing in a serious way he’s going to be turbo fucked instantly… and I think not getting this 56B payday he was counting on might just be the thing that does it. It sucks to lose 56B that you hadn’t actually taken possession of yet. It sucks a whole lot harder to lose 56B you hadn’t actually taken possession of yet when you’ve already blown a decent sized chunk of it. That’s when you start doing dumb shit like naked makes the front page of reddit obvious insider trading where you’re telling investors everything is amazing while you’re not so quietly dumping billions of dollars worth of stock.

IDK just feels like a super weak move made out of desperation to me. He’s definitely crossed the line before, but not this blatantly IMO. He’ll be fine as long as he stays super rich and retains control over space x and tesla. I think the second he’s not super rich or in control of significant components of the ‘withering heights’ (aerospace and automotive are both core heavy industry) he’s getting the Trump treatment without any way to just run for office and get out of jail. I think he does a short to medium stint a low security prison over having to live the rest of his life off the US grid.

Was the 56b officially voted down by the stockholders?

So what’s the deal with this Roaring Kitten dude? Is he going busto?

Not yet but it’s looking terribad for him. It’s indefensible to vote for it basically. Literally just lighting 56B on fire for zero reason and threatening that you’re going to punish people for not giving you 56B is not a convincing reason to give you 56B. Especially not when you just spent the last two years very publicly ruining the companies marketing strategy.

I think he’s going to make a lot of money and then he’s going to go to prison. I know I’m a broken record this week but I’m anticipating a pretty significant tightening in the legal system for certain egregious types in the second Biden term.

Having trouble figuring out which posts are talking about roaring kitty going busto and which are talking about Elon going busto

I do love the complete lack of self awareness with these Gamestop/AMC apes: “We’re fighting greedy capitalists by… manipulating the capital market!”

The SSC is strong in this post.

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I think it could happen (this was a RoaringKitty post, not an Elon post, right?). I watched a little bit of the livestream today just because it was happening when I was waking up and it just seemed…weird. Like is he bored? The guy already luckboxed his way into, according to his statements (as he said today on the livestream no one is helping/backing him, so he must have bought all these positions himself), 9 figures of money, so while the ascent from average dude who likes making low stakes YouTube finance videos to striking it rich is a feel-good story, this second act is…very weird, and has him in a much less sympathetic position if the feds decide that some aspect of what he’s doing now looks like market manipulation. That seems much more plausible right now than it did in January 2021!

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I thought it was an Elon post and my post was based on that assumption.




Edit: Oh, I thought it was an Elon post too. I think Kitty may be in trouble, yes.

All the pikachus

I swear these people have fallen for, ok been
paid to fall for, every single too good to be true scheme of the last three decades.

The new scam will be new funds convincing people buying the zombie funds out at a “discount” because they need liqiduity is a great deal. Surely they will be able to exit these positions this time!

It’s a truly a travesty that public money is invested in private equity.

The inevitable public bailouts that are going to come as a result of private equity in the next 10-20 years are already tilting. I definitely expect a public bailouts of a bunch of hospitals that private equity runs into bankruptcy, and the bailed out hospitals will probably still end up paying rent to private equity afterwards.

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Hahaha Jesus Christ rich people are so fucking stupid

Marble bust avatar is an unbeatable tell

Like damn bro u right, maybe one day you can be one of those people who understands it

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Overall are these funds generally losing their investors a ton of money? Because feel like I’m always hearing about how PE is wrecking stuff for consumers like hospitals/housing/etc so seems even more villainous if the investors making nothing either

They basically deliver market level returns to investors while providing zero liquidity, while the fee load is absolutely outrageous. So the evil difference between like a normal hospital and a PE owned hospital just goes to the PE fund owners