Stupid Things Heard at Work


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lol, I can see that

Iā€™m guilty of it all the time of course. Iā€™m working on this bespoke python packager/installer and I called it YAPI (yet another python installer)



My new boss sent our team a video of a presentation they gave a few years ago. Actual quote of something they said in the talk: ā€œthereā€™s this great book written by Nate Silverā€¦ā€



maybe doesnt fall into the thread title precisely but a phenomenon ive seen so many times -

everyone showing up to a meeting and not knowing what the meeting is for/about, including the organizer.

Damn it, I was giving my new boss the benefit of the doubt and assumed that the Nate Silver quote was just a phase. But I just saw a presentation weā€™re giving this week and the same damn slide is there. And Iā€™m supposed to give this presentation in the future as well.

:harold: :harold:

ā€œAccidentallyā€ delete that slide. Or do the ā€œrunning short on time, need to whiz by some slidesā€ thing and skip over it.

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are you sure the real anger isnt having to deliver a presentation you didnt make? man thatā€™d piss me off

Yeah, itā€™s not my favorite thing to do but itā€™s
also not often that I have to do it.

In particular this presentation is extremely tailored to my bossā€™ style, so Iā€™m hoping that I can change stuff around if I have to go over it.

Also I didnā€™t mention it before, but thereā€™s a slide that references the 2016 election. Mind you, this is definitely not a presentation that deals with politics at all.

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Grunching but every email and other type of communication from my coworkers.

We sent some parts to a supplier to help them out because they couldnā€™t source them on their own.
They claimed we shorted them by 20 pieces, we were supposed to have shipped 200 and they received 180.

Our Sales department sent out an email asking

Confirm if kitted/shipped qty was 200 or 180pcs to close this open request.
Appreciate the timely support.

and then the head of the Sales department followed up a half hour later saying


Same Sales guy cornered me while I was walking near his office this morning to make sure I was aware of this urgent issue. So I replied to the email asking if they could tell us what color the part is since it comes in white or black and I wanted to make sure we sent the same color so all pieces were identical.

And then I noticed there was a picture of the shortage attached at the very bottom of the email chain, so I sent a follow up email saying ā€œDisregard, I noticed thereā€™s a picture attached and theyā€™re the black componentsā€. Then I looked at that picture to see the discrepancy and noticed thatā€¦we sent them 20 sticks of 10.

So I replied again and pointed that out, and included a handy little picture explaining how to count the parts

Iā€™m sure an apology is headed my way any minute now.

Haha counting parts in manufacturing is wild.

We receive parts, do our thing to them and then send them back to whoever made the part. Customers put lower quantities and hope we coat all of them without noticing so they can get some for free. Or they say we shipped you 5k but only received 4k back please credit us for 1k parts and weā€™re like wtf no all of the weights and counts that were done before leaving our facility show 5k. Turns into he said she said stuff and Iā€™m glad i donā€™t have to deal with it.

Sir, the direction was to ship 20 pieces. Not sure why you are making things harder than they need to be. Please try to be a team player.

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Hey, is going from 1,000ā€™s of accounts in UAT to 127 while testing is still ongoing a problem?

This entire presentation on what accounting does.

heard a guy at one of my consulting gigs randomly say very loudly ā€œWE HAVE A GROUP OF CHINESE INVESTORS COMING INā€¦ (absurdly long pause) FROM CHINAā€ and i dont know why it sounded so dumb but it made me laugh

In an email reminder about mandatory training:

Reminder: ALL production and material groups MUST attend this in person (board room). All other groups may join via teams.

Fuck us lowly production and materials employees who donā€™t want to get COVID, it is MANDATORY that all 15 of us squeeze into a tiny ass room that at best holds 10 people for 2 hours. But hey, lunch is provided :hugs:

Oh look, Iā€™m posting in here again. At 1:00, I got an email from the CFO asking

Can you please expense all Engineering R&D material?
Let me know when you are done.

Being a good little worker bee I jumped right on it and at 1:30 I replied

Everything has been expensed, the journal number was 12345 and the report is attached

At 1:45, the CFO replied to his original email

Hold on to this one for now. Will get back to you.

Little late for that message but no big deal. Then at 2:00 he replied to my email from 1:30

Looks like you didnā€™t see my subsequent email to hold it off for now, but thatā€™s ok.

:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:


sales rep #1: ā€œoh I slacked with [cow-orker who is on national guard deployment] yesterdayā€

sales rep #2: ā€œhe can slack FROM AFRICA???ā€

Apparently we know the super bowl was legit rigged because a helicopter of NIgerian princes crashed on their way to get there.