Stupid Things Heard at Work

On a related note, you have recently inherited millions of dollars from a Nigerian prince. I just need your bank account info and we can get it right to you!

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jesus fucking christ the same fucking salesguy who I have complained about at work 100 times (the guy who starts 400 different group dms rather than using the existing channels and who @s me in DMs etc) has now somehow managed to fuck up email as well and done SOMETHING to trick gmail into threading replies from two different prospects into the same thread together so they’re all mixed up. Holy fucking shit I’m literally going to kill this motherfucker.

HOLY SHIT there are THREE prospects in this thread because this dumb fuck is replying to his own “thanks for meeting with us today” email to prospect #1, removing prospect #1 addresses, pasting in prospect #2 addresses, etc. OH MY GOD what the FUCK

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How??? How can someone manage to screw up that badly? It takes concerted effort to do that. He should have email privileges revoked.

same guy:

same guy is really making points with me today, this morning he booked me for a meeting immediately after another prospect call I’ve had booked for weeks, he KNOWS (because we talk about this on EVERY TEAM MEETING) not to do this because calls run over basically 100% of the time, and OF COURSE at 12:32 he slacks me “joining our call?”

jesus fucking christ

we have a meeting with a prospect, agree to another meeting next week, our dumb sales guy just EDITS today’s calendar invite and basically move it to next week rather than DUPLICATING it and sending a new invite

this is ANNOYING AS FUCK because I refer BACK to my calendar in the past regularly to keep track of who I met with and when

same guy btw as all my other bitching in this thread

also he has misspelled the name of this prospect company in all of the calendar invites

Need to figure out a way to get him on his own shadow calendar of some sort. Make him think he is doing stuff but have it not affect the non idiot coworkers. Guy sounds completely insufferable to work with.


actually thinking about quitting instead

may go in with an ex-cow-orker and start consulting.


so yeah seriously if anyone has any tips/advice there (get incorporated, how to get health insurance, how to deal with 1099s/taxes in general) I’m all ears

Idk how to get incorporated, but you can buy health insurance from the ACA exchange and taxes aren’t significantly more complicated. You will lose out on whatever your employer was paying for premiums and their share of your FICA taxes though, so just make sure you’re charging an appropriate rate given the added expenses.

I’d preface this by saying that I never did consulting, but I ran a small company (10-15ppl) for several years. Dan may have better info since he’s a consultant iirc.

To incorporate, the biggest decision is whether to do LLC or C-Corp. The former is easier and can be done by a lawyer for less than a grand (or used to be that cheap). But since LLCs are pass through entities, doing your personal taxes can be a pain. Either way, you’ll likely have to get an accountant.

Also think about whether you plan to grow this business or stay a consultant. If the former, then C-Corp is better, in particular if at some point you’d entertain investors. If the latter, then likely LLC is better.

Regarding hourly rates, 2-2.5x your take home rate should be a good starting point.

Taxes may get more complicated if you do incorporate, and it’s probably worth doing if you make over $100K - talk to an accountant. Health insurance off the exchange, your best EV is going to be a high deductible plan and an HSA, but then you get into weird, “Well, my deductible is $8K do I really want to go to the doctor for this?” spots. If you have a spouse and can get insurance through them, that is probably better.

If you don’t incorporate you’ll be filing on Schedule C and there will be a lot of business expenses written off there. It’s not too hard, can be a bit time consuming depending on your record keeping. Then after the first year you’ll be paying quarterly estimated taxes. I’ve done Schedule C by hand, but you can also use something like H&R Block software - I did that for several years.

a different sales rep sent me a big list of customer requirements last week, said “plz review this and let me know if we’re a good fit” and I replied “yeah we can do most of this, maybe all of it depending on a few things”

today she sent me a “Hi there, just following up on these requirements. I want to book an intro call if you think we are a good fit for what they are asking. At least at a high level. We can further qualify when we speak to them.”

btw, “hi there” is her way of saying “why are you taking so long”

Not sure what part of “yeah we can do most or all of this” was unclear

I’m working on a 1099 now. $300ish fee for an LLC. I send 25% to a tax deductible SEP IRA, easy to set up with vanguard. Have to do estimated taxes. Thats about it.

I am currently on back-to-back calls, one with a prospect and one with a current customer, inside sales rep (who is usually quite good) pops a meeting on my calendar immediately after the 2nd meeting (we have had MULTIPLE discussions about avoiding back-to-back bookings) with a new big-name prospect, NO agenda, and then spams a huge wall of text into slack. like just impenatrable fortress of text.

the werird thing is this inside guy is one of our best and generally is very easy to work with, and he’s never done any drive-by surprise booking to me before.

The prospect probably did this to you tbh. Sounds like the inside sales rep got ambushed and is freaking out. Could even be a good thing. “PVN we’ve decided to go ahead and use you guys services please send the contracts.”

OK probably not.