Television & Movies

O shit, first half of Witcher season 3 is here!! Had no idea this was coming, what a great surprise.

This part at about 39:52 shows the inside perspective of her right hand possibly clipping as she waves it through the corpse foot (but this might just be a perspective issue), but then her left hand definitely contacts and moves the foot. So there is either a body there or their image manipulation software is advanced enough to have live interaction between real and fake objects.

The bodies are there. When she bends down and places the badge on Holston, you see the badge disappear under the image of the rock. She knows his body is there when she walks into him. Everyone in the cafeteria can see her interacting with the body. The screen they are seeing is real

I started reading the first book and it’s pretty absorbing. Nearly done with it and I’d say the first season is roughly half the first book. Sounds like season 2 should be second half of book 1 mixed in with book 2 as book 2 is a prequel / how the silos came to be. Can’t see them sidelining this cast for an entire season I find the show pretty hit or miss and prefer the books, but I agree with being able to watch the Lady Jessica do anything and be interested.

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In other AppleTV sci-fi news, Foundation season 2 is coming in July. Lee Pace is outstanding in the first season. Also a hit or miss episode by episode show, but I’m glad they’re making so much high budget sci-fi.


Looking at this again, wide zoom definitely does have bodies, so I think the display is just real. That makes the interior monitors brief flip to fake mode a couple episodes weird though. Also, what about the bodies of every other person to have ever cleaned?


Okay I looked at this a third time now and I think you’re right (second watch after my wife said she didn’t think they were there, I didn’t see them) (sorry for shitty phone photo but idk how to take screenshots of DRM-protected video on Mac, it just shows up as a black square if I do it the simple way)

I guess this show is entertaining if I’m staring at it like the Zapruder film lol. This feels unnecessarily confusing though, like the bodies are LARGE and impossible to miss in most shots (ex. cafeteria screen) and here they seem tiny compared to the tree and almost blend in to the landscape.

Article about Pat Sajak fucking off to retirement, I didn’t know he was such a deplorable?

Frasier too?!? Man I am out of it.

(Consider also Kelsey Grammer, wonderful comedian, notorious crank, and vindictive Trump supporter.)

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Finally caught Silo finale. I was right! Mostly. The “heat tape” being an actual thing/plot item that mattered was great. Not a good middle really but the start and end make it worthwhile so far, looking forward to S2 in 3 years.

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I think Hugh (author) said it was coming 2024

I a.) saw a coworker recommend this without knowing what it was, and b.) saw the trailer when I opened Netflix today to watch more Witcher:

This looks pretty cool!

Anyone see Indy yet?

Nailed it! :rofl:

I’m glad you guys had the spoilered discussion about the ending because I was missing quite a bit. I really didn’t get what she was doing with the badge, etc.

I thought maybe the big reveal was going to be that

the Silo was a sealed-off skyscraper in midtown Manhattan and served as a vehicle for entertainment (and gambling) for everyone on the outside who could follow everything going on inside. Sort of a Lord of the Flies meets The Truman Show.

But multiple Silos is good too. :+1:


lol your proposed ending is so dark, I don’t know if I would have been able to continue watching if that was it :joy:

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I still am kinda “wtf lol” over VSauce literally Truman Showing people with the trolley problem over whether to kill one person vs several :astonished:

The Joe Schmoe Show and Jury Duty were like hey, this is cool but obviously we should keep the stakes low and give the mark $100k at the end. VSauce was like no, we’ll do it for free and ask them to decide how many people will die. For science.

Watched it tonight, it was really fun

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Hey I made a video that references this VSauce trolley experiment and the invisible gorilla and there’s an article version if you prefer

90% of people think they see it.

70% of people never see it at all.

Which one are you?

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people who respect the superior quality of Häagen-Dazs over Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.


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The Bear as sports:

Ok. Going into Indy. Sticker shot. $15 for the seat. $15 for treats.

I saw this a few days ago, was interesting to see it in stats since I think we all share the “movies have gotten so damn expensive” feeling: