Television & Movies


Let’s do this motherfuckers


Actual discussion of this episode. The first 15 minutes especially of this was like watching Uncut Gems on crack. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt my anxiety spike so high from watching a tv show.


uncut gems is the most stressful movie ive ever seen let’s not introduce drugs to it.

Maybe the only thing that compares is…episode 7 of the first season :harold: This show definitely has a particular skill at that!

(minor spoiler: season finale also has high anxiety levels)

Ok watching this in a show I’d be like “alright” but seeing how this is shot makes it 10x cooler



Just chugged four Negronis in the centurion lounge LFG




Anyone watching Silo? We’ve been enjoying it but I’m having a hard time piecing together what the finale is actually telling us:


  • it feels like the reveal they’ve been setting up all season is something like, it’s actually safe and great outside and the display just fakes people dying when they go out
  • but the real twist is that she goes out and sees that the happy green earth part is the lie, and part of a simulation
  • but then that raises weird questions: so where the fuck are the dead bodies? When the camera zooms out around her (clearly implying at this point that we’re seeing reality, and not any simulated displays) there’s no bodies at all. The twist we expected was that they didn’t actually die in the first episode, but the big reveal seems to be, no, actually they did. So then where did Holston and his wife go?

Also, very random thing: Rebecca Ferguson seems like a great actress but her quasi-accent, in a show where accents make zero sense given that it’s 10,000 people living in a closed environment for hundreds of years, is kinda weird. Is that supposed to be the way her character talks, or is she just not capable of a clean American accent?

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I’m watching it but still have 2 episodes to go so I ain’t reading your spoiler yet.

My impression so far is that it’s pretty good and we are enjoying it. But they sure are taking their sweet goddamn time explaining wtf is really going on. I just have so many questions and I’m afraid there’s no way I’m going to be satisfied when they inevitably wrap up the season with some huge reveals that nevertheless leave many more unanswered questions.

I’m still also a little irritated that the two people I thought were going to be the main characters turned out not to be the main characters, and then a completely different main character came out of nowhere.

I know the showrunner also did Boomtown (great) and Justified (pretty good) so I’m trying to trust his vision. I’ve heard the show compared with Battlestar Galactica but it also reminds me of Westworld in some ways (including the intro sequence).

I also remember being similarly confused and dissatisfied in the first season of Dark, and that turned out to be the best show ever, so maybe it will be okay,

I’ll revisit in a few days after finishing. We’re also wrapping up S5 of Mrs Maisel (decent but exhausting) and a 5-part PBS documentary on the Troubles in Northern Ireland (fascinating but depressing).

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I agree with you about Oyelowo and Rashida Jones disappearing, it’s disappointing to just have them for ~1 episode. Ferguson’s been great though, I’m not mad at her character being the focus at all.

I’m…moderately satisfied about the ending? I dunno that everything totally makes sense, but there’s at least a clear direction for season 2. Very curious what you think about the spoiler after watching the last two!

And the mildest of mild spoilers: lol they made such a big deal early in the season about how big the Silo is, like going from the top to bottom is a huge fucking deal that takes days, then in this last episode like half the cast goes from the top to the bottom and back like it’s nothing and it’s like ehhhh nbd

He kind of has a point?

Really enjoying. Burned a lot of great cast early but that was part of the hook.


I thought that once the Mayor turned off the green projection that we could see the bodies.

They clean because they see the projection and want the others to see what they see.

Now that she has an air tight suit, how long can she be out there? I was thinking the gassy spray before she went out was actually the poison, but it seems like it is just bad air outside.

I’m guessing that the “big steel door” connects to the other silos underground? Does the Mayor communicate with the other mayors? Do the other silos have similar cultures? Shouldn’t there be dead bodies outside them if so?

Concur that the silo size seems to expand and contract based on the story need. Sounds like 150 floors, each maybe 15 feet tall? Pretty gentle grade on the stairs?

Also the diameter from outside doesn’t see large enough, using the little bushes and the sheriff as rough scale reference. Maybe a perspective issue?

I think we are supposed to think that the whole city in the background relocated into the silos?

I think the bodies are only visible on the cafeteria display. I don’t remember if we see Juliette’s perspective looking at that specific spot after the display goes out to know if she sees the bodies, but the wide zoomed out camera shot of the landscape shows no bodies next to the tree.

Yeah maybe I’m a weirdo but I would watch the various RBF actresses like Ferguson and Ruth Wilson etc read the phone book. Don’t kink shame.


Gonna recommend Killing of a Chinese Bookie if you liked Uncut Gems, they have a similar kind of vibe.


Rewatching that scene, she definitely does not see bodies.

although from the inside perspective, you can briefly see her interacting with one of the body’s feet, most of that scene from both perspectives seems like she is clipping and I don’t get the significance of the badge. I’m not quite sure what effect they were going for on the people inside with that sequence.

Your screenshot is from when she still has the green display on though, and I think the question Dan brought up is whether the bodies are there without the green display. Like, there’s effectively 4 perspectives at play here:

  1. whatever’s “real”, at least to the extent the show can tell us that
  2. the cafeteria display
  3. Juliette’s fake green display
  4. what Juliette sees (which may or may not match reality?) after the fake green display goes out

#1 (if you think the wide zoomed-out shot of the other silos & the distant city is real) has no bodies. #2 is brown world + bodies near the tree. #3 is happy green world with no bodies, and I think we don’t actually know what #4 is, because I don’t think we saw Juliette’s POV looking at that area after her display goes out.

I’m still pretty confused by the weird hybrid of reveals we’re getting at the end here where like, apparently we’re supposed to believe Holston and his wife really did die when they went out to clean, but then I guess someone cleaned up their very real bodies and the cafeteria display superimposes fake bodies over where the real ones used to be? wat?
