Television & Movies

I’m legit not sure how this can play out in the studios favor. They’ve apparently gotten away with not paying anyone any residuals on streaming. Writers in particular are typically almost entirely compensated through residuals lol.

So basically they have been getting half price or better writers since inception and think they’re going to hold onto this as an industry norm or something? And they want to make more content generally not less?

That doesn’t even get into the fact that some of the people in these unions are EXTREMELY wealthy and have a strong vested interest in getting a share of the streaming pie, and I just don’t see this strike fund running out of money before a modern American probably pretty highly leveraged corporation does.

Fran is worth 25 million dollars according to the internet. Normal unions without actual rich people for members win strikes all the time.

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The studios are basically demanding the writers pay for their disastrous business moves. Disney, Warner Brothers and Comcast and cartoonishly horribly run companies. Despite this, and tanking stock prices, they pay senior executives truly outrageous amounts of money. Bob Iger is really making it easy on the writers telling them to get “realistic” while making hundreds of millions of dollars to fuck up a company he already fucked up by picking an unqualified successor to make himself look better.

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Yeah the people being unrealistic are the suits. They have no shot of pulling this out lol.

Creatives in Hollywood have been waiting tables and living off of side hustles for generations, they’re not going to lose their apartment because the residual checks aren’t coming in. lol at starving them out. Studios just have no leverage here, no one wants AI-generated shows, there are so many other entertainment options these days. America has pop culture reserves to last years if we all wanted to starve out the studios.


It also seems like people are finally getting sick of formulaic comic book shit. You can only put out the same stupid fucking superhero movie so many times before the audience says enough.

We’ve been telling The Hero’s Journey since the dawn of time. That plot will never die.

I mostly think it’s audiences being specifically tired of the specific Marvel/Disney/Starwars house style. Which isn’t great for them considering how much they’ve invested in trying to mass produce it.

Are they? I saw The Flash bombed (hooray!) but don’t all the Avengers movies print money?

Like I’ve literally never heard of “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” which released in February this year and just sounds like an absolute steaming pile of shit, and yet


People are, in fact, not tired of comic book movies

The trend is down for sure.

audiences, especially young ones, are moving their entertainment medium to youtube, a lot of which is (surprisingly high quality) self-produced content. I think the industry will change and no one knows how yet.

the only reason AI is a threat is because hollywood has been churning out formulaic awful content for 20 years straight now and AI absolutely could do it.

There are good Marvel/Disney movies and there are bad ones, it all depends on how much craft they put into the project. Even if you hate them, the Avengers movies were largely competently made fun action films with some of the most charismatic actors in the biz. They’re clearly getting much worse now that RDJ/Ruffalo/Evans have moved on, those guys and their charisma were really the driving force behind the entire MCU. People are still showing up for now for stuff like Quantumania but they’re gonna stop if Marvel can’t make better movies.

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Incredible levels of pettiness here, like you really have to put some effort into making yourself look like as much of a cartoon villain as the studios have

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Wow wtf. Even Frank Underwood brought his protestors some ribs.

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Lol the flash movie. Just lol. Lets take spiderman 8 and crank it up to 40 but uh not in a good way. A total mess.

I’m watching this old TNG episode and it seems astonishingly explicit that Riker has set up a holodeck threesome with Picard and a holodeck girl. I swear I’m not being silly, I don’t know how to interpret what I’m seeing any other way.

MI delivers on the stunts. The plot is meh.

Uh looks like we need a new brunette- oh hi there

Riker has this creepy jazz nightclub holodeck program where it’s just him and this chick in a nightclub alone and the whole scene is like a Cinemax softcore porn movie but then Picard walks in and the holodeck starts talking to Picard in French and man it really seems like Riker and Picard are about to double team this holodeck program.


I think he programmed her for Picard but fell for her instead.

There must be some fan fiction porn out there…

You guys think I’m joking but it seems very explicit that Riker and Picard are setting up an erotic threesome.

Much of the crew take shore leave while Picard, Riker and a skeleton crew remain aboard. Riker is intrigued by the Bynars’ claimed upgrades to the holodeck and starts a program in a jazz bar. The program includes a woman named Minuet (Carolyn McCormick), by whom Riker is fascinated, both as a beautiful and charming woman, but also by the level of sophistication in her responses. Riker shortly returns, and Picard walks in on him kissing Minuet, and he too is amazed by the simulation.

“Picard walks in” lol, there’s no way you just walk in without knocking when Riker is using the holodeck. Clearly this was part of their game.

I’m sorry, it’s clearly just a softcore porn setup here.

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