The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

If they wanted to stretch it out they wouldn’t have heard it and let it go through the lower courts.

This just infuriates me, regular-ass public servants having to deal with credible death threats from these MAGA shitheads because it’s all just a game and America’s Mayor is a drunk mess spouting nonsense to deranged Boomers. Hopefully they get paid big money in compensation, will not be surprised if Rudy keeps menacing them with zero consequences.

I don’t think Rudy has any money.

Yeah these guys are all broke, all still somehow continue living baller lifestyles.

Possibly. I’ll believe it when I see the 5 (or more) votes to hear the case and a schedule that’s expedited though.

There are never 5 votes to expedite. I’ll give you the liberals plus Roberts. Who’s the 5th vote?

Fuck if I know, that’s why I said I’ll believe it when I see it. I would guess the most likely would be Rapenaugh, then the notorious ACB, and way in the distance Gorsuch.

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Yeah maybe I’m naive but I feel like at least one the Trump appointees from a legacy standpoint will want to distance self from Trump himself.

If they don’t escalate its basically condoning the statement of “there’s at least some merit to this former president saying he’s completely immune from prosecution for anything illegal he did or ever will do forever” so… :person_shrugging:

If they didn’t already directly say no to that then he might have a chance but I really doubt these 6 idiots on scotus will want to get involved here/draw this out but I guess we’ll see!

Kavanaugh and Barrett don’t like Trump. Gorsuch, Thomas and Alito are full on MAGA. My guess is 6-3 against Trump.

Famously liberal Leon Cooperman

Not great!


Ah well, nevertheless.

lmao, Colorado Supreme Court ruled Trump is off the ballot for being an insurrectionist:

I thought this effort got derailed at some point? Don’t even care that SCOTUS will overrule, this is hilarious and he will be mad.


Someone with a spine?

Now do Wisconsin, Michigan & Pennsylvania

I feel like the cases for this in AZ, GA, and PA should be rock solid. The guy spent months trying to undermine the elections in those states last time.

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