The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

Can’t make the case any clearer than this.

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If they pass this. Biden should just shoot trump. He’s immune.



It would be pretty funny if every time that Trump tweeted “total immunity” Biden started quoting it and tweeting a gif of him loading a shotgun


Judge doing the right thing here, although I’m a little surprised, given all Trump’s shenanigans so far, that he even considered letting Trump give a final wrapup.

Methinks he knew what he was doing. Trump is nothing if not predictable.

How many times will Trump work “freedom of speech” into his angry Truths about Judge Engoron?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3+
  • bastard
0 voters

How many times will Trump work “bastard” into his angry Truths about Judge Engeron?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3+
  • 0 (STOLLEN!)
0 voters


This in particular is a really good point:

“Trump didn’t meet a definition of insurrection that should disqualify him under the 14th amendment” is at least a legal argument one could make, but every single clown (hi Jon Chait) being like “b-b-but it’s anti-democratic” is an unserious hack


It all goes back to the idea that only rural white people are “real” Americans. GJGE media, which has wholly endorsed this horseshit my whole life. Looking forward to some more diner articles.

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It’s not contemporary media. The founding fathers were overwhelmingly rural white men, and they built the country by them, of them, and for them.

There is very much some weird rural fetishism that is absolutely everywhere these days. All that damn “where I come from, when the going gets tough the tough get going” bullshit drives me insane. Sorry hillbillies, you aren’t special just because nobody wants to live in the woods.

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I not sure that a reasonable comparison really given the founders rural areas were economic powerhouses via slavery so these guys were the titans of commerce, our country was certainly not built for current rural folks unless you consider Zuck rural for living in his Kaui estate or whatever.

I gotta say the chances that Trump gets meaningfully hurt by this NY civil thing look pretty high to me. That’s a lot of money for someone who almost can’t be very liquid right now, and the state getting to essentially put a trustee in charge of his business will absolutely make stuff like stealing campaign money significantly harder. This is a guy who compulsively does petty 70’s mafia type stuff like bilking the government at hotels he owned while president.

I realize that what he did almost every big real estate person does, but 1) that’s actually not a good thing and 2) that might be why they don’t get directly into politics you orange moron. It sure isn’t easy to defend in court vs one of the scarier prosecutors in the country for white collar stuff. Was he targeted because he made himself an attractive target out of an ocean of white collar wrongdoers? Yes absolutely. Did he also do all the wrongdoing and as a career criminal should he have not drawn maximum attention to himself? Also yes.

Remember that picture of the Trump family on election night in 2016, and only Don Jr looked happy? It has always been my theory that Trump didn’t actually want to win, and knew he was pretty fucked if he did.


He didn’t have to do any of the shit that lead him to the situation he’s in right now, he could have been a normal boring president, he could have conceded when he lost, not ran this year, he’d still have plenty of fans and could golf and rip on Biden on social media all he wanted and he’d be fine.

He is, as we all know however, not capable of that.

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Well, for one, North Dakota, Alaska, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Texas are all in the top 15 states of GDP per capita. But for two, my point was not that that is how it should be, but it’s why white rural states still have outsized amounts of power now. There are two different and incompatible views of what “America” is and means. One is that it’s a democratic republic, a nation of laws, equality, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” “all [people] are created equal,” etc. The other is that it’s a hierarchical system with rich rural white men at the top, and all others underneath them in some order. The founders talked about the former, but they built the latter, and ever since, it’s been a constant and often violent struggle between those two visions. It’s why there’s no cognitive dissonance in Trump’s supporters about installing him as a dictator vs. subverting what it means to be America. To them, as long as Trump keeps the racial hierarchy, “America” is still intact. It’s giving people from Central America an equal seat at the table that would destroy “America.” It isn’t some new media meme that real Americans are rural white folk. That idea dates back to 1776.


Nah the judgment will be stayed pending endless appeals. Hes not gonna have to write a check.

At this point he either loses the election and likely dies in prison or wins and nothing ever happens to him.

If they come in and freeze your shit it doesn’t matter if they’ve legally taken it yet right? The trustee is going to be a huge problem.

I’m also not confident he gave himself any grounds for an appeal and Letitia James is genuinely a competent operator.

But yes in response to your second point I agree that he won’t run out of money or anything before the election and if he wins he skates on everything… and if he loses he dies in prison in almost every scenario where he doesn’t just keel over of being ancient before he has to report to prison officially.

He doesn’t actually own much real estate in NY. His personal residence and 40 Wall Street are the only assets I’ve seen.

His most valuable asset is a minority stake in 2 San Francisco office towers that he got against his will after losing a lawsuit (seriously). Don’t think that would be impacted at all by this judgment.