The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

I thought the Vornado partnership had already wrapped up? I’m also not at all sold that he isn’t effectively bankrupt and living hand to mouth every second of every day… and that a trustee will prevent a lot of the crime that makes it possible to keep up appearances.

All Trump has to do is delay legal consequences until after the election. Of course, if he loses, he’s cooked.

But the interesting thing is now the median white rural people are poor living off government entitlements but have been tricked that Rs represent their interests


He wasn’t cooked.

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What’s Nebraska’s story? The other four all have oil/coal right?

Was wondering the same thing. Figures like it’s got to be oil at least in part.

Berkshire Hathaway?

Their main interest is the racial hierarchy! It’s more important to have someone to look down on than it is to have an American dream lifestyle.

My thesis is race is more a red herring as far as the actual structure of the government which is based on economics. The government is structured to favor “plantation owners” and Rs have tricked rural whites into thinking their race means they are in the plantation owner class. Over next 100 years will see more and more non-white “plantation owners” and the government will continue to favor them over rural whites.

I’m actually not surprised by Nebraska. It’s very developed. The agricultural operations are mostly the large scale commercial ones that generate good GDP per capita, Omaha is a real city, and yeah Berkshire Hathaway is based there so that might be contributing in some accounting fashion.

Decent freight market meaning there are more shipments coming out of NE than going into it.

With a population of 2M people, it’s quite plausible Berkshire is actually contributing meaningfully to the GDP per capita lol… Like I think it’s adding around $5K per capita, moving them from ~16th to ~9th. Although that’s if their total earnings are attributed to Nebraska, and they may not be.

I’m fairly confident they aren’t. If that were the case the state of Delaware would have the highest GDP per capita in the world.

Written by Michael from 5-4, a review of floundering pundit + law professor arguments who think Trump shouldn’t be kept off the ballot:


More Serwer on insurrection & the failure of other pundits’ arguments against it:

He also hilariously brings up a Douthat column from October 2020 describing a hypothetical coup (that he dismisses as fantastical and unrealistic) that was pretty fucking close to the one they actually tried:

Douthat understood exactly what a coup was, right up until the moment Trump attempted one. Once Republicans refused to convict Trump after January 6, and as Trump maintained his iron grip on the party faithful, it became necessary to forget. What is the alternative, after all? To acknowledge that the libs are right that the Republican front-runner is a tyrant in waiting who poses an existential danger to the constitutional order? This is how one ends up arguing absurdities, such as that violently disrupting the government’s ability to collect a whiskey tax amounts to insurrection, but trying to overthrow that government by force does not.

What the actual fuck, how the hell you going to think this going to go unnoticed when you prosecuting Trump

A court filing from Joycelyn Wade, who is in divorce proceedings with the prosecutor, Nathan J. Wade, included what it said were statements for a credit card account belonging to Mr. Wade. The statements showed that he bought plane tickets for himself and Ms. Willis, including tickets to San Francisco from Atlanta purchased on April 25, 2023, and to Miami from Atlanta purchased on Oct. 4, 2022.

The release of the credit card statements follows a motion filed last week by Michael Roman, one of Mr. Trump’s 14 co-defendants in the Georgia case. That motion, which did not include any proof, claimed that Ms. Willis was having a romantic relationship with Mr. Wade that began before she hired him in 2021 to manage the high-profile case. The motion also stated that Mr. Wade, who has been paid more than $650,000 by the district attorney’s office, paid for vacations with Ms. Willis.

Willis should go to jail, she had one job of immense responsibility and fucked up cosplaying as Clarence Thomas

I’m really hoping the articles just making it seem worse than it is because I’m about to have a stroke about this. I mean we talking about a prosecutor literally trying to protect the institution of American democracy and can’t avoid doing corrupt shit. Like we can get a bunch of American kids to land on D-Day but we can’t get one fucking lawyer to behave for a couple years

She hired a romantic partner as a government contractor? (That is what a special prosecutor is right? Maybe I just don’t understand)

I deleted because I missed that piece of it.

She paid him roughly 1/4 of his going rate (I saw somewhere), so he was essentially losing money.