The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

Yes. The two cases that might have mattered (stealing classified docs and fucking with the GA election) have been postponed until after the election when it will be moot.

Best that we can hope for is it moves the needle with some zero-info voters.

Ah well. Nevertheless

Ah well. Nevertheless

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I need to keep caveat posting that this will probably be a hung jury.

With that said, I don’t know that we can really “Ah well, nevertheless” him getting convicted of dozens of felonies. That does, in fact, seem like a consequence.

If he never goes to jail for a day and becomes president. Still no consequences.

I’m not trying to be a “nihilistic badass”; I just have almost no faith in either the justice system or the American electorate.

How is it a consequence if he can just appeal (a process that you told me will take YEARS) with other people’s money, while possibly being elected president during that time?

Today could be CONSEQUENCES day!


If he’s elected president I agree there will be no consequences.

yeah I mean there have been “negative headlines” for trump for literally decades and no1curr. I don’t see how getting convicted of “paying a lawyer” is going to suddenly buck this trend.

I’m sure the negative headlines had some contribution to Biden beating him the first time and I don’t think it is that naive to think it will help the second time as well

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Jury has the case. Trump seems shook. At his press conference just now he stated “Even Mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges.”

I think he expects to be convicted. Whether he actually is, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

He’s certainly truthing up a storm. I guess someone else is running the account and just live-truthing Fox?

I’m looking at the CNN description of the jurors and starting to have more hope. Here’s the description of Juror 2:

I didn’t realize until recently that Cohen has a whole podcast thing where he just basically trashes trump nonstop. If this guy was following Cohen maybe he’s not just some closeted maga guy. I mean every other number on that list other than 3 is a definite red flag, but still, I want to believe.

Jury has been deliberating for 90 minutes.

this is the optimal play for him, if he is convicted, he can say “see, told ya it was rigged” and if the jury hangs he can say “see I was SO innocent even this rigged system couldn’t convict me, TOTAL EXONERATION”

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right, really looking forward to “the patriots on the jury were able to see right through the SHAM”, “where do I go to get my apology?”, “Alvin Bragg should be disbarred and prosecuted”, “democrats are fascists and riggers and we will beat them in November just like we beat them today” ad infinitum

2 hours, what’s taking so long?


Also the juror that talked about truth social reads those on the twitters and also follows MSW apparently. Apparently someone on CNN is going on and on about how this is the MAGA juror.

So who the fuck knows.

Given the number of the charges and the technical nature of the case, I’m not nervous until EOD tomorrow.

I could easily Friday. If not then, they are hung.