The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

I don’t think people are necessarily arguing. Sometimes people just want to be sure about something.

So if Trump gets a hung jury is he going to be able to resist gloating that he did the crimes but is the best at beating charges?

Yeah, with 37 counts which are all nuanced, there isn’t a hint of rustle in my jimmies about asking for clarification.

This is delicious

Please let it be a hung jury so that he can sit there for weeks, this is actually pretty awesome.


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Troll jury deciding to pseudo jail him would be so elite.

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The fact that the jury specifically zeroed in on asking for a repeat of instructions around evidentiary inferences is very strong for the prosecution. It suggests there is one or more people who aren’t sure there’s enough evidence, and the rest are trying to convince them that they can draw inferences from circumstantial evidence. My shook meter is way lower today after this was more specifically reported.

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Jurors want speakers to play audio. I’m going to go ahead and guess that that is the trump call that Cohen recorded. Certainly not upset about that. That call is so fucking damning.

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Hmm MSNBC counter is only 5h. They aren’t counting the time the jury was having read-backs, etc.

I had predicted 8. They better get a move on.

I’m updating my predictions. I’m down to a 0 percent chance of acquittal based on the notes so far. I’m at 50/50 on hung versus conviction.

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That’s a parody account

Increasing chances of hung jury to 55 percent hung 45 percent conviction based on the current hour.



It’s happening

This has to be good right?

I would bet my entire 18 year legal career that this is not an acquittal. Not the way those deliberations went.


For those who believe in Polymarket, guilty just soared from ~70 cents to 95 cents.