The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 1)

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Where are the White House SECURITY TAPES, like the ones I openly and happily gave to Deranged Jack Smith, which will quickly show where the Cocaine in the White House came from??? They already know the answer, but probably don’t like it!

( truth (lol) | raw text )

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In the visiting section they take tours on

:vince: :vince:

Really crazy the current status of country that we have a former president saying this

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But unfortunately, Hunter will never be POTUS.

not with that attitude

( truth (lol) | raw text )

Given Biden’s approval rating and the current polling… It kind of looks like Trump is going to be president again in 2025…

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I think his chances are materially better against the innocent man in 24 than in 20, though not as good as I thought Hilldawg’s were in 16. Assuming he doesn’t get much worse mentally, I think it will be ok. Just needs to win WI/PA/MI. There was a Marquette poll recently that he was leading Desantis by 2 and orange by 7. Optimistic on GA, less so on AZ.

This movie is going to confuse a lot of viewers. On the one hand, Jim Caveizel is commanded by God to quit his job and rescue victims of child sex trafficking (very Trumpy/Q vibes). On the other hand, these children all seem to be brown and spanish-speaking.

Maybe it counts as a happy ending if the kids are returned to the desperate and hopeless conditions in their home countries, but if they are rescued to safety and freedom in America, that makes it a horror movie?

The thing is Trump probably has a pretty clear path to win but it’s rooted in him staying out of the public eye so people can forget what an absolute buffoon and self interested asshole he is. He needs to run on some fictional recasting of the Trump years as economically glorious and peaceful vs the Biden years of turmoil. Republicans could sell this despite it being complete opposite of the truth because voters are dumb.

However, he will NEVER take that path due to his narcissism. The things that motivate Trump’s base also motivate his opposition, so as he becomes more visible and the campaign is more centered around him, the election will be more of question of whether you like or hate Trump than whether you like or hate Joe Biden (who’s just not as polarizing). This is sort of the reverse of how it usually works with an incumbent but how I think it will play out, and it’s a win for Biden. Biggest risk to Trump winning is the economy tanking between now and Election day, because if that happens it will be pinned on Biden regardless of whether the root cause is the Fed or the House republicans or China or anything else not under Biden’s control.


I dunno I have some hope, I think people like to gripe about Biden but not sure that necessarily turns them into trump voters.

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That’s assuming that he wins Virginia, which has me a little worried.

I think this is a super weird race to poll. I think there are a lot of people who will register a protest “vote” in a poll against Biden, but not pull the trigger for Trump for real. I also think there are a lot of people who will not want to admit they’re voting for Trump but will do it. I think it’s also likely that Trump looks even worse by the time November 2024 rolls around, and Biden will only look better unless he keeps falling down and such.

Very strange race.

If there is going to be a recession or big market correction, I hope it happens soon so there will be time to recover before the election.

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So you’re assuming the polls are correct this time around? Because the last two times against trump the polls had something like a +8 anti-trump skew versus the actual results.

Trump vs Biden is a weird race because its kind of incumbent vs incumbent. They’ll both be running on the record as president, albeit the trump side will be fabricating much of that record. Has there ever been a president vs former president election before?

Grover Cleveland vs Benjamin Harrison, where Cleveland won his non-consecutive 2nd term.

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I think the workers economy isn’t going anywhere if it hasn’t even softened with interest rates being where they are. I think there’s a very good chance we see a huge correction in asset prices. The extend and pretend commercial real estate trade has to end eventually that jenga tower is getting pretty thin.

Thing is though one of the weird things about catastrophic income inequality is that it’s that the events that impact the price of financial products can be a pretty big nothingburger in the lives of normal workers.

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