The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Kamala Harris is doing everything possible to disassociate herself from the Biden Administration, the WORST in the history of the USA. She was in charge of the Border, the Border Czar. It won’t work

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He’s fucked either way and this is awesome. We’ve got him cornered, finally, and he’s got no good moves. Either he shows up and gets his teeth kicked in by Kamala, or he loses his strongman status for being too scared to debate a woman he’s convinced his followers is dumb as rocks.

Like I know the debate adds variance, and maybe we should want him to skip it, but in my heart of hearts I so badly want to see him humiliated for 2 hours on national TV by a black woman. We had to live the part of the movie where the bad guy torments everyone, and damn it I don’t want to skip the scene near the end where he gets his ass kicked.

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This is why I hope he skips it. We’ve got the better side of a coin flip right now. I’d rather keep it that way. The debates didnt’ help Hillary.

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really trying to make fetch happen, a sure sign of a winning campaign

I am rewatching Game of Thrones and last night I watched the episode when Sansa Stark finally gets revenge against Ramsey Bolton. As she walks away while Ramsey’s dogs are eating him alive, she throws a little smirk and the camera fades to black.

That’s what I’d like to see in the debate.

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Three years ago, Kamala’s and Biden’s incompetence left 13 dead warriors, hundreds of civilians killed and grievously wounded, and $85 billion worth of the finest military equipment on the planet abandoned to the Taliban….

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As part of the United States–Taliban deal, the Trump administration agreed to an initial reduction of US forces from 13,000 to 8,600 troops by July 2020, followed by a complete withdrawal by 1 May 2021, if the Taliban kept its commitments. At the start of the Biden administration, there were 2,500 US soldiers remaining in Afghanistan and, in April 2021, Biden said the US would not begin withdrawing these soldiers before 1 May, but would complete the withdrawal symbolically by 11 September.




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Kamala isn’t Hillary, though.

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Personally a coin flip against a diminished Trump is not good enough IMO. We have the better candidate and communicator. Sure it could go wrong but you don’t start playing prevent defense when up by 2 points. We got the better candidate so anything we can do to reinforce that point is worth doing. Would be different if she was modeled as 85% favorite or something

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Also, running up the score matters. There’s a Senate to hold and a House to take. Making Trump look weak and defeated so as to make Trumpers stay home on election day matters a ton.


I don’t think we’re in a flip if the election were today. I think most of Trump’s equity is due to stuff like a bad shift in the economy, black swans, or a huge Kamala mistake/gaffe. But part of the reason I feel great is I think we have 70-whatever days left of Kamala making good decisions repeatedly and Trump flailing wildly, and the debate is going to be Exhibit A of that.

I could argue it either way on the debate variance vs EV, but I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the curb stomping.

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One of the GREAT Statements of the Year, from the Wonderful and Brilliant Tammy Bruce!

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