The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)

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Pssst. She’s Vice President.

Obviously Trump is referring to her as “Number One Most Liberal Senator” because of her role as President of the Senate and not because he’s a clueless old moron raging at nothing and grasping at straws.

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Counterpoint: Hillary made this mistake as well. Remember when she started playing in reach states to help with her landslide victory so she could have huge majorities in both chambers?


We’re fresh off both the Kamala gets the nom after Biden drops out bounce and the convention bounce, and she’s still up only 3.5 in the poll aggregators, which is significantly less than where Biden 2020 was at this point and HRC 2016 was at this point. Don’t kid yourself, this is a flip at best. It’s light years better than the “we’re definitely losing” position we were in with Biden, but a flip is a flip.


This is why Walz and Harris need to spend the next two months in WI, MI, PA, NC, GA, AZ, NV primarily and maybe extend to protecting states like MN, NH, VA, and NE-2. It’s all about getting to 270.

I’m honestly not even sure that NC, GA and NV are worth it. NC & GA because if she wins those she was almost certainly winning anyway, NV because I think that it a tough lift.

You have to keep a couple extra paths open just in case there’s a misread on the state of the race somewhere. But anything beyond those states is the territory where we only win in a landslide anyway.

Sure, fine. I still think PA is the ballpark either way, and if anyone was curious, here’s the last 5 polls according to 538:

  1. Tied;
  2. Harris +2;
  3. Trump +1;
  4. Harris +1;
  5. Trump +1;

This election is a coin flip, assuming the state level polls aren’t biased against Trump the way they were in 2016 and 2020….

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Gotta keep working on GA and NC imo not only for this election but just general trajectory of them electorally. Not at the expense of PA but when you got half a billion dollars there probably substantial diminishing returns of trying to go all in on one state

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Saw an article about the Trump campaign running ads in Florida just so Trump can see himself on TV.

I think Harris should run in his local market just to piss him off. Like every other freakin ad spot.

Also saw an article about the red county ground game in PA. The goal is to get the 80/20s down to 70/30 or better. Not trying to flip the counties, just narrow the loss. Seems like it’s mostly homegrown so not sure it’s costing the campaign a lot of resource.

Yeah, we agree PA is the most important state and where the most resources and time should be going. However, ignoring GA, NC, and NV would also be a mistake.

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All this makes me wonder in day of YouTube, TikTok and wall to wall 24/7 news I wonder how many percent better is giving a speech in the specific state in question vs elsewhere? Like seems clear it should be better but is it 5% , 50% or 5000% better for the speech to be at a rally in an important state? Do they have some formula of how many extra votes each rally will cause?

You saying that Hillary debating Trump was a foreseeable mistake? Because that the question being discussed, not if Harris should do rallies in Miami

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I think it’s possible that, because our society is so sexist and chauvinistic, a female candidate for president is in a no-win situation in a debate with Trump. I’m not positive about that, but it’s possible that is correct.

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