The Convictions of Donald J. Trump: lol

Ah well, nevertheless.

lmao, Colorado Supreme Court ruled Trump is off the ballot for being an insurrectionist:

I thought this effort got derailed at some point? Don’t even care that SCOTUS will overrule, this is hilarious and he will be mad.


Someone with a spine?

Now do Wisconsin, Michigan & Pennsylvania

I feel like the cases for this in AZ, GA, and PA should be rock solid. The guy spent months trying to undermine the elections in those states last time.

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Everyone you should ignore is breathlessly doing the “this is good news…for Donald Trump” horseshit

I don’t know if its good news or bad news for “us” or for “them” but I do know one thing: its fucking hilarious.


Lol, this is getting turbo-overturned by SCOTUS, but still funny as hell, and the correct decision.

Somehow the legal gobbledegook swings on if Pres/VP is an “officer”.

Me think commander in chief is close enough. But lol law. Words mean what we say they mean not what the actually mean.

Looking forward to reading about how an insurrection isn’t an insurrection if it involves a major political candidate, and how this is totally different from the Civil War because argle bargle.

I’ve started just completely ignoring Supreme Court cases, what’s the point.

To amplify whatever anxiety/depression issues you have ldo.

There’s gotta be some plays on PI you could make before SCOTUS tosses this ruling out.

I’ve got some bad news for you, Ted

I’m fine with the SC going further into the red on their legitimacy. Waiting until the current rules change the courts balance isn’t actually an option, so on this one particular subject accelerationism is kinda the only viable point of view.

EDIT: I definitely don’t think this happens anytime before 2028 which is basically the best case scenario. More realistically it’s the 2030’s sometime.

This is conventional wisdom, but them backing this ruling and setting the table for petitioners in swing states with liberal courts to do the same thing sure would solve a lot of problems for rich establishment types… Which makes me think it’s very possible.

You could probably get him off the ballot in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania if this stands. That leaves you 13 EVs short of locking him out of the electoral college, so I’m pretty sure it could be done.

You know all the old money Republicans want this guy’s political career to be over so they can go back to trying to force Mittens and Paul Ryan and Mitch on people, while shoveling money at the Biden types so that nothing fundamentally changes.


(This means the criminal trials angle is hopeless)

Jack Smith, she wrote.