The Musical Hot Take Thread


In the absence of a downvote emoji, I simply present this:


taylor swift is terrible

We regret to inform you that this album is good, actually

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Were the mid 90s actually the apex of guitar rock? I think I could actually put a pretty fucking convincing case together.


ok I have a belly full of burgers and some edibles and delta is paying for a hotel room so I’m going to bed and I’ll just be thinking thoughts about polly jean stepping on me wearing these boots

good night all

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jesus christ this video is perfect



bob mould gets better with age

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Sorry not sorry, this dude is weird af but the tune is righteous

you I cannot judge

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Maybe but depends on how you define apex.

Berry/Miils/Buck all seem sort of cameraphobic but stipe really seems to genuinely hate being on camera, obviously he can’t completely avoid it

The Foo Fighters are terrible and would give my Beatles take a run for the money on overrated bands.


ok time to change it up a little

who else could pull off a line like “yr body hekka slammin”?

when david lee roth left van halen, eddie’s first choice to replace him was PATTY SMYTH can you imagine how fucking insane this would have been if she had taken the job???

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ok I’m going to bed fr fr no cap


No one’s done a guitar solo in pop music since 2003.

They’re probably too hard for producers to slice together note by note in Protools…

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Is this a hot take?