The Musical Hot Take Thread

I mean I liked Ten OK and their next one had a couple gems but some of their hits I just cringe when I hear Vedder’s way overdone grunge voice which I don’t get from Cobain.

Yeah I’m getting pretty spicy lately most likely due to completely hating my job and also blowing interviews some how. Whatever. I think I’m going to get my gray hair dyed… yeah.

I’m not a huge music person but seems like chili peppers kinda creates their own sub-genre so seems little hard to say they overrated because are they really often compared to many other bands in the first place?

people who like ska are lowkey sociopaths


Nobody cares about which bands you like.


That is a lukewarm take.

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Why don’t you just eat spicy food instead?

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Wait, which ska are you talking about?

I went back and speed listened to the first two Foo Fighters albums thinking that maybe this was just recency bias and I wasn’t remembering it right. Jogged my memory b/c I had forgotten that Big Me used to play nonstop. Lol do you all remember this?

The first album has enough of this oddball quirkiness to be a great example of nineties post-grunge but also postmodernism in general. There’s a palpable quality of dystopian Beatles nightmare about it that’s amazing. I wouldn’t call it my favorite music but it partially defines an era of unique art and sound. Unfortunately that’s the peak, because you can already hear them turning for the worst in the second album into an off-the-rack suit corporate alt-rock band. Everlong is alright but it’s the exception, and I’m not aware of anything they’ve done since then that wasn’t completely awful. When I hear the name “Foo Fighters,” I immediately think of THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST which sums up their music to me: boring, vanilla, repetitive, abrasive.


I triple dog dare any of you to attempt to defend this:

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I kinda wonder if this would’ve been what ended up happening to Nirvana in a parallel universe where Cobain doesn’t kill himself.

Didn’t see your edits a couple days ago (I think).

RHCP - Californication: sucks. Whole album. Title track the worst. Someone else ITT already said that yeah.

Pearl Jam - Black: sucks. Cool soft rock. Alive - good song, one of their best, Even Flow, another good song. I can see a case for Jeremy. But GTFO with the rest and especially total garbage like Vitalogy, come on. I mean alt rock ballads from 30 years ago? Is there any rock band ballads that have held up, at all? November Rain? IDK

Spiciness level not diminished over weekend.

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i want to be on the record that californication is maybe the worst thing to happen to california since the governator

I dare you to sit through this entire song, single #4 or #5 or something I don’t remember off of Ten. You can’t do it.

its less than 3 minutes long

Well my hot take is I don’t mind californication or rhcp I guess… by my go to music remains basic 00s screamo so whatever I know my choice in music sucks

big A7X fan?

I think of A7X more as rock, versus screamo being

Hot take: Thursday still slaps

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Yeah more of this side of things. Basically if it’s some dudes hitting some power chords being dramatic I probably have a soft spot for it. The Used were my go to for a loooong time

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I’m sort of joking but Nevermind isn’t what Nirvana was supposed to sound like. It’s way overproduced in a way that’s comical to me: the appeal of grunge was supposed to be “sloppy garage band with a raw, unpolished sound.” If you listen to any live Nirvana from around then, that’s exactly what they sounded like. But then a major label gets it and adds Butch Vig, and It’s basically a Michael Bay version of a low-budget indie cult classic. The songs and performances were great, but the tonality of the record is just totally wrong.

Bleach is closest to what Nirvana was supposed to sound like, and In Utero has far better (production) than both but Nirvana stans complain about that one being overproduced too. It was done by a volume 2p2 poster and he’s good at capturing the raw “band in the room” sound that’s darker and rougher around the edges than major label moron execs can handle.

Conversely, Nevermind had that uncanny valley effect of isolated tracks being heavily processed and glued together. You can hear almost exactly the same shift between Bush’s first and second albums. Sixteen Stone had the bigger hits but was overproduced, and then they switch to him for Razorblade Suitcase and it’s darker, more ambiant, not as “perfect,” and I think it’s the better album in terms of production for those reasons. He had some interesting comments about In Utero:

My ladyfriend tells me that your original mix of In Utero was not green lighted by their label, and they went with a different mix/track list. She claims that your version is floating somewhere (she says a coworker has it on his iPod) and she’s wondering how she could get a hold of it?

There were only a couple of different mixes used on the final album. Ultimately, the band made the decision about what versions they would use, though they had to suffer a combination of their own insecurity and a bunch of people at their label freaking out, which probably influenced their decision. The version of the album in the stores is the version the band wanted people to hear, and I respect that. Any “alternate version” floating around out there is either totally bogus or a generations-removed copy of a cassette dub, and not worth your attention.


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damn I was really wasted thursday night

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Nickelback gets too much hate. Don’t get me wrong; they aren’t “good”. But people act like they are the worst band ever because of “This Is How You Remind Me” and “Photograph” (which to be fair are both absolutely horrendous and were overplayed to death in the early to mid 2000s).