The Non-political ANGER THREAD

It’s everywhere in the northern hemisphere. Solar noon changes pretty rapidly this time of year to be later. Tilt + elliptical orbit. People on the west side of time zones are lucky too. Boston it’s miserable right now. 4:30ish sunsets

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An update on the roommate sitch:


But around the solstices is when the actual total light time changes most slowly of whole year right?


I’ve heard enough pentatonix for this lifetime, thanks

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  1. Negotiate with wife for 45 minutes about what we are going to watch

  2. give up, “I don’t care whatever you want sounds good”

  3. wife puts something totally dumb on, which I am fine with

  4. wife starts snoring 4 minutes later

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Skip step 1.

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This is why we wind up watching “something totally dumb” like 90% of the time, at least on weeknights, she’s a stone cold lock to pass out 15 minutes in. If it’s actual good TV that she wouldn’t want to miss, I then have to turn it off.

At least if it’s 90 day fiancé or some shit I can just let it go in the background and do whatever.

Luckily my wife and I have a default show with unlimited supply (house hunters) that we can put on by default before my wife passes out and then I can watch whatever I want on my phone. I stopped trying to find a middle ground in this area and it’s worked out pretty well for me.

  • get bill in the mail from anesthesiologist for some procedure my wife had done
  • go to their website to pay bill
  • website says “enter bill ID”
  • bill has no bill ID
  • bill has an account number
  • website says “bill ID is in the top right corner”
  • it absolutely is not
  • website says “bill ID is 12 digits”
  • no 12 digit number on bill anywhere
  • website says “find your bill another way”
  • options are “email” (which they don’t have for me or my wife) or “account ID”
  • select “account ID”
  • input “account number” from bill
  • apparently account ID and account number are not the same thing
  • call phone number on bill
  • call number on website (it says “24/7”) of course 24/7 is only for people with a bill ID, not for people trapped in their kafkaesque nightmare

“people love their private health insurance”

This but for “what sounds good for lunch”

What’s the falling asleep equivalent for lunch?

I have that same problem too, but wherever we end up, we actually consume the food.

Inevitably I let her pick then if it’s anything less than ZOMG BEST FOOD EVER I’m a disappointment

I get that too, but more on the TV front. A little different from falling asleep, but equally annoying if not more.

Heck yeah ready to enjoy some MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL on this fine Saturday evening

NETWORK MSG: You replied with the word “stop” which blocks all texts sent from this number. Text back “unstop” or “start” to receive messages again.

shout out to my cow-orker who scheduled a meeting for 7:30 AM today



New Years is so much better when January 1 is on a Friday or Saturday. Having that day off and then another full day off after that is perfect.

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