The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

I agree that it was probably an attempt to avoid FOIL and thus worse than what Biden did. In any event, that wasn’t prosecuted.

Me too, wat’s going on? (moving to the Biden thread as it feels most appropriate there)

Probably needs its own thread if shit is really going down next week.

I think nothing has changed, we were always going to hit the limit this soon but they can cook the books so we’re good until summer when we really hit it. Reporters are just idiots as usual.

Definitely qualifies as an “oops”

I guess it looks like the extraordinary measures run out “early summer” so that’s the real deadline.

Louis DeJoy still has a job LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

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Because establishment Democrats support the job he’s done and is doing, period. I’ve literally been saying this for years now. Sure they’re a little annoyed he tried to fuck them in the 2020 election, but they’re thrilled he’s trying to kill off USPS so that FedEx, UPS, and Amazon can make more money.

i certainly don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, but i doubt they want to kill USPS. the progressives are trying to expand the services post office provides

Establishment Democrats are not progressives. They’re corporate shills. They’re just the half of corporate shills who believe women should have medical rights and non-white people should be treated somewhat decently.

progressives are not a party. they are the only reason dems are moving in the right direction compared to say ‘90s and ‘00s, and the dem establishment is the only reason progressives have any legislative wins. that’s not hyperbole, IRA was a win, but digging much deeper look into what happens in some of the state houses. every “good” policy comes from an effort where few if any progressives actually pulled the cart. it’s a consensus closer to the center than we hoped, but they basically need each other until boomers croak. such is political life

and yeah i’m excited to have more progressives with years of legislative experience under their belt in the future. hope they do some good.

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What does any of that have to do with Louis DeJoy and establishment Democrats being happy to keep him on, though?

Are they, though?

Bill Clinton was campaigning on a form of universal health care in 1992.

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Hillary did a bang up job with that one!

even though they haven’t fired dejoy, there’s nothing to suggest they are happy to kill the postal service.

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this is a fair point, uhc was already on agenda, although the issue wasn’t totally partisan at the time. but progressives have pulled the rest of the party on climate, lgbtq rights, women’s rights, immigration.

Not sure about that last one. I’d say the party is moving to the right on immigration. Hell, Reagan gave amnesty to millions of people. No chance that would happen today even if Democrats had the presidency + 80% of both chambers.

LOL Biden rigging the primaries to start in South Carolina where lol Jim Clyburn is guaranteed to deliver the state to him.

Eh… Do we really think Biden is worried about primaries this time around? I don’t see anyone coming at him if he runs again. Honestly, having the first state be a majority black state for the Dem primary seems like a net positive to me. Georgia as a swing state would be better, but I’ll take South Carolina.

as someone who immigrated under clinton, i think overall immigrants in general have it worse now, but the issue is more solidly with democrats and progressives right now than before. immigration also changed significantly since then. there have been multiple conflicts and displacements that aren’t comparable to that era. the permanent residenncy process also basically unrecognizable

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Counter point:

And I haven’t heard a single eDem complain about it.

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