The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

My family still stays in touch with the au pair that lived with us in ~1993-1994. She came back to visit once about 10 years after that. And we’re hoping to visit her in Norway at some point. Overall was a fantastic experience for all of us.

On the flip side, my cousin had an Au Pair that turned in to a disaster and ended with police involvement. That was an outlier case but it really sucked for him and his kids.

Ugh that’s awful, I’ve heard some horror stories too, but thankfully they’re like friends of friends of friends, nobody we know. But still terrible. One au pair was the only witness to the father killing the mother, or something like that.

This is a big deal imo:

The pardon encompasses U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents who committed or were convicted of simple possession, attempted simple possession or use of marijuana — regardless of whether the offender had been charged or prosecuted yet.


Just had a small fleet of helicopters fly overhead. Had to be Joe, he is speaking 10-15 miles from here and I saw he was going to be on Marine Force One (is that what it’s called?).

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Confirmed, stop at Valley Forge which is about 5 miles as the crow flies. Then onto a community college another 10 miles away.


Just Marine One. “[Branch of service] One” is the designation given to any aircraft the President is on board, and only when the President is on board.

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Shit like this is why the other plutocrats hate Bill Ackman. There are so many stories about Bill Ackman which means that at least some of them are true.

No one even knew who this Ackerman guy was until he got on Twitter and had a meltdown, great example of the Streissand Effect.

Eh he was a well known bankster. Here’s an article from 2013 which could be summarized as ‘even when he’s morally/ethically in the right Bill Ackman is an absolutely insufferable asshole.’

Billionaire Bill Ackman’s Ill-Fated Bike Ride: “His Mind Wrote a Check That His Body Couldn’t Cash” | Vanity Fair.

Absolutely nobody who knew who he was was at all surprised let’s put it that way.

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Stocks kicking ass, employment doing great, inflation down, Trump focused on attacking a woman he sexually assaulted by only quoting her instead of running for president…

Need to press this hard.

This may be a hot take, but economic metrics are about the last thing Biden should be pushing right now.

I’m still 90-100% sure Biden has a bunch of dry powder specifically set aside to juice the fuck out of 2024. If there’s anything about that guy’s game as a politician that deserves respect it’s his sense of timing. You can only get me to fall for that once lol.

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Why? They’re almost all great

Because Biden’s handling of the economy is polling in the toilet.

By pushing it, he’s basically saying “Yeah, you think times are tough for you. BUT ACKSHUALLY things are great”. How is that a winning message?

He is going to legalize weed or something of that nature is my bet


Biden has let bad actors dominate messaging on this, continuing to let the frame the economy as bad is political malpractice when available data is so good

Even demented Biden knows only total sickos are paying attention right now.

I do think the extent of trumps insanity will shock people, I also think educated normal people can’t understand how much racist idiots love it.

That said, look at this shit